Dear Partners, 

Last week the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R.3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Act. The bill passed with bipartisan support and could significantly lower drug costs for millions of Americans. This Wednesday, December 18, at 2 pm EDT, join Families USA for our December Health Action Webinar: Drug Prices in 2019 and Beyond. The webinar will provide an update on what's happening in the world of prescription drugs.

Register for the webinar here

Featured Speakers:
  • Kimberly Alleyne, Senior Director of Communications, Families USA
  • Catherine Horine, Patient Advocate
  • Shawn Gremminger, Senior Director of Federal Relations, Families USA
  • Sean Dickson, Health Policy Director, West Health Policy Center 
This legislation sets a milestone for what is to come on prescription drug prices. We hope you can join us on Wednesday to see a snapshot of its impacts and learn more about what comes next.

To your health, 

Justin Mendoza, Senior Partnerships Manager 
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