Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time, team.
Each year the state of Texas experiences more extreme weather and this year is no different—record heat waves and droughts, wildfires, and flooding like we saw this week in North Texas. The time for empty promises on climate change is over.
This month Democrats delivered sweeping climate legislation to tackle this crisis—the biggest investment in climate in history. But at Ground Game Texas we know that change also comes from the ground up.
That’s why Ground Game Texas launched the first-ever ballot initiative campaign to create a citywide climate charter in El Paso. When this initiative is passed, it will create green jobs, promote conservation, and make El Paso a model for local climate policy across the nation.
>> Help us pass our
climate charter! <<
Team, while Democrats in Congress pass major legislation to address the climate crisis, Greg Abbott and Texas Republicans have their heads buried in the sand. They cash campaign checks from oil and gas donors while Texas experiences record heat waves and flooding.
Texas is on the frontlines of the climate crisis. If we don’t act, the situation will only grow more dire. That’s why we’re creating the first-ever local climate charter to help El Paso become a national leader in tackling the climate crisis.
Thank you,
Ground Game Texas