
August 25, 2022

7 Ways Biden's Student Loan Bailout Is Immoral
by Ben Johnson
President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he will force U.S. taxpayers to bail out college students for up to $20,000 of student loan debt and further reduce repayments - a policy that sounds superficially compassionate, but which victimizes the innocent, rewards the guilty, and violates biblical morality in a plethora of ways. Here are the first seven that come to mind.
Did American Academy of Pediatrics Just Blink on 'Gender Affirming Care' or Bluff?
by Jay Richards
In its staring contest with human biology, did the American Academy of Pediatrics just blink? For years, the Academy has been a booster for the school-to-sterilization-pipeline for kids struggling with their sexed bodies-to the dismay of at least some of its 67,000 members. But in a telling letter to the Wall Street Journal this week, the group seemed to signal a shift in its position.
Education Red Wave: 25 of 30 DeSantis-Backed School Board Candidates Win Elections
by Marjorie Jackson
Just as school bells across the country begin ringing for another semester of class time again, Florida conservatives are running another victory lap around the school yard.
How the Federal Government Created the Student Loan Crisis
by Ben Johnson
On Wednesday, President Joe Biden unveiled a sweeping plan to let delinquent student loan borrowers transfer tens of thousands of dollars in debt to taxpayers. If he were a biblically minded leader, Biden would have used his nationally televised press conference to repent of his role in creating the student loan crisis in the first place.
Walmart Expands Abortion Coverage for Employees
by Joshua Arnold
Economic Expert Denounces Biden's $300 Billion Student Loan Cancellations
by Ben Johnson


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