Dear John,
Forty-one years ago, we were blessed to birth and deliver Stephany Rose to this life. From the beginning, we knew she was spirited and special. She always had a thirst for knowledge. Before she could even read, we’d find her in a corner attempting to study the Bible—upside down nonetheless. She wrote her first book in first grade; spent hours reading when her siblings were out playing; and was always the first one up, dressed and ready for school—even when we may have been hitting the snooze button for a little extra sleep.
Stephany’s love for learning and spirit carried on into adulthood as she was the first in our family to earn a Ph.D. But having knowledge was never enough for her. Always at the heart of her growth was to use what she learned to challenge situations she perceived as problematic and unjust.
When she was 8 or 9 years old she demanded to play a season of little league baseball, not because she was super athletic (she was not); but, because as a girl she felt she should have the same options as her brothers. Imagine being a parent to that! While it may not have always been easy, nurturing her sense of fairness has helped us as a family and community to see things differently.
As we celebrate her years in this life, we can look back and see how the different parts of her character have shaped her for this journey of running for the US Senate. Her thirst for and use of knowledge to help make the world fair and just for those who have been overlooked far too long has always been with her. We are honored to run with her because we know her commitment to serving people is shaped in who she is called to be. We hope that you and the people of Colorado will come to see it as well.
Please join us in celebrating our daughter as she continues in her journey this side of life. Whether you are able to volunteer, donate and/or vote for her, your support would be a tremendous blessing. We know the gift she has been to us and we know the kind of leader she will be for the people of Colorado.
Please join us in giving financial support or $27, $41, $100 -- for her race for our country's future.
Please sign up to to caucus at the Democratic Party Caucus for Dr. Stephany Rose Spaulding on March 7th.
Dr. Rosemary and Dr. Lawrence Spaulding