PFAW Member-- Articles of impeachment against Trump will be voted on in the House THIS WEEK! So our mass nationwide grassroots mobilization that we've been planning for months will take place TOMORROW, on the eve of the expected vote. Are you ready to show Congress and the country that Americans are fed up with Trump's corruption and lawlessness? Then please, if you have not done so already, sign up to attend the nearest Nobody is Above the Law grassroots event to be part of the fight for impeachment! We now have more than 500 events registered in all 50 states and DC!!! If you attend a rally, please try to take some pictures. You can send us pictures from your local event at [email protected] and/or you can post them to Twitter and tag @PeopleFor! Can't make it out in person? You can donate here to support the fight>> This is our best chance yet to force a dramatic shift on impeachment and start to chip away Trump's stubborn support from Republicans. Thanks for being part of this country's conscience and for joining with us to send the message loud and clear that NO ONE -- not even the president -- is above the law! -- PFAW ----[previous message]---- PFAW Member, While the House continues the impeachment inquiry into Trump's attempts to pressure Ukraine into investigating his political rivals, PFAW and our partners are preparing a massive mobilization effort – to take place in cities and towns across the country on the eve of the vote if the House brings articles of impeachment to the floor. The goal? To continue demonstrating that nobody is above the law – not even the President of the United States. Every elected official takes a solemn oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Lately however, it seems that Republican members of Congress are more willing to put their political party ahead of the country in a shameful attempt to score political points with supporters of the president. Well, we're here to continually remind them that nobody is above the law and that if they put Trump over the country, we'll remember that on Election Day. These events will be visible, family-friendly, public gatherings to demonstrate to our lawmakers that their constituents are behind them to defend the Constitution, and that Trump has left them no alternative to upholding their oath of office but to support impeachment and removal. Thanks for all that you do, - Rio Tazewell, Government by the People Campaign