
I hate to say this, but the Supreme Court got it wrong.

Partisan gerrymandering is just plain wrong. People are should choose their leaders in a democracy, not the other way around.

That’s why I’m pretty disappointed the Supreme Court decided to allow gerrymandering to continue.

Now that we know the courts won’t act, it’s up to the rest of us to lead the fight to make sure politicians answer to the people.

I’m working on legislation with some of my colleagues in the Senate that has some really big reforms of our democracy. We need to get dark money out of our politics, stop lobbyists and corporations from buying influence, and end gerrymandering.

But here’s the deal: some people in Washington don’t want our democracy to work for regular folks.

The big super PACs, the mega-donors, and big corporations who’ve gotten their way will spend big to keep getting what they want. And they’ve got one heck of an ally in Mitch McConnell to block our progress.

It’s going to take all of us to end gerrymandering and stop both Mitch McConnell and his dark money allies. It won’t be easy. That’s why I’m counting on you. Can you pitch in now to join this fight?

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Thanks for pitching in today. If a whole lot of people come together, I know we can hold politicians accountable and make sure our government works for regular folks.

Appreciate all you do,

— Jon