Hi John,

Education is going backwards under Jacinda Ardern’s Labour Government, and things will only get worse if Labour cuts funding for frontline teachers.

Achievement in literacy and numeracy is plummeting. Last year just a third of kids who took a new NCEA literacy and numeracy assessment passed. That’s right, just one third.

In Term 1 this year only 46 per cent of our kids attended school regularly and 100,000 kids were chronically truant, meaning they missed at least three in every 10 school days. Around half the increase from Term 4 last year to Term 1 this year was due to students being sick, with the other half simply not turning up.

Despite an extra $5 billion a year being allocated to education, Kiwi kids’ achievement and outcomes are going backwards.

I cannot fathom how Labour is now considering cutting the funding to support 3,000 senior teaching roles. This is despite adding over 10,000 bureaucrats to the public service and the number of Ministry of Education staff earning over $120,000 almost tripling to 955.

Jacinda Ardern and her education ministers need to get their priorities right.

For more information on the announcement, read this.

Principals say senior teacher roles are ‘central to our strategy to improve student outcomes’ and ‘highly valued’. National agrees. But in typical Labour fashion, they’re prioritising bureaucrats in Wellington over teachers in schools.

This Labour Government is failing a generation of Kiwi kids. That’s not just a social failure – it’s a future economic crisis.

Feel free to share this email with friends and family to keep them updated. I will keep in touch and let you know when we hear anything further on this bizarre move from Labour.

Erica Stanford


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Authorised by Erica Stanford, 85 Beachfront Lane, Browns Bay, Auckland

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