Still, no mea culpa, no pause.
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Breaking news stories the media complex won't cover. Share widely.

For more information on any post below, click through to read the full article on our website.

Deaths Among Female Children Increase by 57% Immediately After Taking Covid-19 Vaccine
These vaccines do more harm than good. In some cases devastating harm. Still, no mea culpa, no pause.

Kids have almost zero percent risk of dying from covid. Giving them a vaccine can only hurt them.

“Trust the science,” say the media. ...

Whistleblower: Military Covers Up Alarming COVID Vaccination Side Effects
Today’s U.S. Military won't protect its own rank and file let alone defend our Republic.

Real crimes against humanity.

Drastic Increase in Non-Infectious Diseases in Military Explained as Data Glitch: Whistleblower

Whistleblower faces ...

Six High Profile GOP Senators including Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham, and Marco Rubio Funding Left-Wing Cancel Troll
Media Matters for America and Right Wing Watch are vicious attack sites whose sole mission is to destroy effective voices on the right and rational side of the political spectrum. They smear, defame, and liable. That these Republican Senators would ...

California To Ban Sales of All New Gas-Powered Cars
Pure evil. And nuts.

What do they think fuels electricity? The three major categories of energy for electricity generation are fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, and petroleum).

What next, banning the air we breathe? The great climate hoax. ...

Lyin’ Biden Signed Off On FBI Review of Trump Records, National Archives letter reveals
The demented ole perv claimed to know nothing. The party of treason hates you and your freedoms. They have nothing but contempt for you and anyone who stands in their way of absolute control.


Trump Files Motion Seeking Independent ...

Terrorist Tehran’s $1 Trillion Deal: An Updated Forecast of Iran’s Financial Windfall From a New Nuclear Agreement
Another Biden catastrophe is about to be finalized. The Biden Administration allowed the terrorist state of Iran to take America to the cleaners in these so called negotiations. All while Iran openly tries to assassinate former Trump Administration ...

Pennsylvania Dem John Fetterman Wants To “LEGALIZE HEROIN” And Allow Taxpayer-Funded Drug Dens, Refuses to Take Media Questions
Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman wants to “legalize heroin” and fund “safe injections sites.”

A recent video of Fetterman saying he wants to release “one-third” of the prison population also just surfaced.

John Fetterman, ...

WELFARE FOR THE RICH: Biden Moves To Pay Off College Loans Of The Privileged At The Expense Of the Working Poor
Another vicious attack by the Biden Administration on the American people, who will now be forced to subsidize indebted college graduates. The Biden Administration is moving even further to the Left, as they seek to appease their Marxist voters ...

PLASTERED Pelosi Pleads GUILTY In Alcohol-Fueled Car Crash
Nancy Pelosi's husband was driving drunk causing “major collision damage”. Anyone else would be rotting in jail – but not the aristocracy.


California Highway Patrol (CHP) has released photos and videos recorded on the night ...

John Kerry’s Office Consulted Left-Wing Environmental Groups While Crafting Policies, Emails Show
The Biden Administration’s climate czar John Kerry is one of the most dangerous men in America. It is Kerry who is the driving force behind the Biden Administration’s war on America’s fossil fuel industry, that has led to massive inflation ...

Terror-Tied CAIR Supports the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
The Council on American Islamic Relations has come out in support of the Palestinian NGOs raided by Israel this past August 18.

In a statement, CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad said:

“We ask that President Biden speak out ...

Palestinian Textbooks Rife With Holocaust Denial
Palestinianism is the heir to the Nazi movement. Literally.

And your taxpayer dollars are funding this incitement to genocide under the Biden regime.

And the Left demands that this Nazi-style terrorist organization have a state. Once again, ...

Biden Energy Secretary Granholm mocked for touting 30% tax credit on solar panels for middle-class Americans
The Biden Administration continues it's assault on American families with their radical Green policies. Biden's Energy Secretary's statement on Americans lowering energy costs by installing solar panels in their homes, is just another example of ...
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