Since Common Dreams was founded in 1997, we’ve seen countless online news organizations come and go. We’ve survived thanks to the incredible support of our readers, who step up month after month and year after year to donate the money we need to keep our operations running.
But I’ll be honest: It’s never been more difficult to operate a nonprofit independent news outlet.
When we first launched, Google and Facebook didn’t exist. Today, those
companies alone control a massive amount of traffic on the internet. Over recent months, they’ve begun deprioritizing our content in their search results and news feeds, making it harder for new readers to find us.
Fewer readers means fewer donations on our website, making these periodic email fundraising campaigns more important than ever. Which brings us to another challenging fact: Less than 1% of all Common Dreams readers ever make a donation.
If you’re part of that amazing 1% that fuels our work, we thank you so much and humbly ask if you could donate again to help meet our Summer Campaign goal. And if you value our work but have never donated, we’re asking that you please consider chipping in $8, $27, $100, or whatever support you can afford.