Hi there, 

I'm following up to make sure that you saw Britney's email about the second seminar in our "Climate Organizing 100" workshop series, "Winning Elections 101." This interactive course will cover every component that contributes to a successful climate campaign, and is free for anybody to sign up for, so tell your friends – especially youth with a budding interest in environmental activism. 

The subject of our email from last week falsely said this event was one week away – and as the Communications Coordinator, that mistake was on me – but now, the workshop really is happening in a week, on Wednesday, August 31st from 5:30-6:45 PM via Zoom. Use this link to sign up now!

Thanks, we can't wait to see you there.

Will Bertellotti

Communications Coordinator, OLCV

––––– FORWARD: –––––

Dear John,

OLCV is thrilled to continue our set of summer youth engagement events, “This is How We Win: Climate Organizing 100 Series” with our second workshop installment: Winning Elections 101! Though this event is geared towards youth with a budding interest in politics and climate organizing, anybody passionate about environmental activism is welcome to sign up. Register for the workshop here.

This entry-level interactive seminar will broadly address the different levels of work that go into winning elections, and how people can get involved to contribute towards successful climate campaigns. Led by OLCV’s organizing team and youth interns, “Winning Elections 101” is sure to be an exciting and informative time.

This event will be held on Wednesday, August 31st from 5:30-6:45 PM via Zoom, allowing participants to join us from all over Oregon. As the second workshop in our climate organizing series, attendees can turn what they’ve learned into action during our third and final event: an in-person “Canvassing 101” course in Portland where we’ll be spreading the word about Tina Kotek’s candidacy for governor as a true climate champion. Keep your eyes peeled for more information on that next month and sign up for one or both workshops today!

With election season right around the corner this November, learning about our political process and what can be done to enact positive change through it is more important than ever. We’re here to help by making complicated political processes easy to understand, and we look forward to having you.

RSVP for OLCV’s “This is How We Win: Winning Elections 101” workshop using this link.


Thank you, I hope to see you there!

Britney VanCitters, Organizing Manager, OLCV

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 Paid for by Oregon League of Conservation Voters and authorized by Andrea Salinas for Congress.