Earlier this week, our team asked this community to share their first memories of voting — we wanted to share a few of the submissions with you today: 
Fair Fight

Hi there,

Earlier this week, our team asked this community to share their first memories of voting — we wanted to share a few of the submissions with you today:

From Deborah P. in Oregon: “I graduated from high school in June of 1971. When the amendment was passed for 18 to become the voting age I was so excited! I turned 18 on December 3rd, 1971. My New Year’s resolution was to register to vote. When I went back to my college after Christmas break they were helping people to register, it was my first 1972 New Year’s resolution that I fulfilled.”

From Darryll P. in Texas: “My first memory was as a young child holding my mother’s hand, following my step-dad to the school to vote. The walkway up to the school was lined with angry white people holding bats, sticks and shotguns cursing with every breath. I asked my Mom if we did something wrong. The wrong was taking part in democracy and voting. I’ve never missed one for the past 48 years and never will as long as breath is in my body.”

From James U. in Minnesota: “My first election was the Kansas Primary Election in August 1972. I had turned 18 just five weeks prior to the election and was very excited to vote. 1972 was the first election after 18-year-olds were given the right to vote nationwide. I volunteered to be a precinct poll worker, and as a young new voter, I was readily accepted to be part of the team…It was a long, often boring day but I was proud to play an important small part in the most important civic duty we all have.”

It is so moving to read your stories and see just how much of an impact we can make on our communities when we make our voices heard at the polls.

But we need to make it possible for more young people to have positive, empowering early voting experiences — and that means continuing to push back against attempts to suppress the vote.

Fair Fight Action won’t stop working until every eligible voter can experience free, fair, and secure elections. But we can’t accomplish this without the support of people like you — pitch in $20 right now to ensure Fair Fight Action has the resources we need to continue combating voter suppression.


Thank you for everything,

The Fair Fight Action team