Aaron Ford for Attorney General

Aaron Ford Personal Endorsement Tracker

Supporter: john xxxxxx

Action Requested: Add your name today!



We send a lot of emails asking you to pitch in to Aaron’s re-election campaign — and for good reason! We’re up against a well-funded, extremist candidate who is unfit to serve as Nevada Attorney General.

But there are lots of ways you can be a meaningful part of this campaign, including this one: Will you sign on to be a personal endorser of Aaron’s re-election campaign? >>

john, we are going to win this campaign thanks to supporters like you fighting by our side and taking on all of the special interests that stand in our way.

Aaron won his last election by only 4,533 votes, and we expect this year to be even closer. So we’re working hard to talk to folks across Nevada and earn their support. Knowing we can count on your support will make a huge difference in this grassroots campaign.

john, will you add your name to say you personally support Aaron Ford for Nevada Attorney General? We’d be proud to have you on our side:


When you and thousands of others step up and say you’re with us, our team will be stronger than anything Republicans try to throw our way.

So thank you in advance for adding your name,

Team Ford