Ilhan for Congress


Today, President Biden announced plans to cancel student loan debt for borrowers who earn less than $125,000 a year — including canceling $10,000 for most borrowers and $20,000 for Pell grant recipients, capping undergraduate loan repayment at 5% of monthly income, canceling ALL interest payments for any borrower on an income-driven repayment plan, and extending the freeze on payments through December.

This is a huge win for our progressive movement that we’ve been working toward for years. For too long, our society has claimed education was a pathway to economic opportunity while creating an economic crisis for borrowers at the same time.

I am one of the 45 million Americans who knows what it’s like to be burdened with student loan debt. There may only be a handful of us in Congress who have experienced this crisis firsthand, but as people close to this struggle, we know what to do to solve it.

I’ve organized alongside activists, brought forward the Student Debt Cancellation Act alongside Senator Bernie Sanders, and met with President Biden alongside the Congressional Progressive Caucus to push for cancellation.

All of these efforts, thanks to the work and determination of so many, have paid off.

Make no mistake: Our work is not over, and I will not rest until every single penny is canceled. But despite all of the smear campaigns against us, we have made incredible progress.

Now that we are one step closer to canceling all student loan debt, right-wing groups will undoubtedly spend more against our campaign to try to stop our progress in its tracks.

We’re counting on grassroots supporters like you to help us fight back so we can continue our work to cancel all student debt and advance our progressive priorities. Can you rush in a donation of $5 or more to power our fights for progress?

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In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar