
The Race Is On!

We are so close!

As of today, we’ve helped over 9,200 people to get the IDs that they need to vote and for life AND the midterm election is just 75 DAYS AWAY!

Help Us Reach 10,000

Over the next 75 days, we will be hustling to get IDs and Election Guides into the hands of as many people as possible. Over the next 129 days, we’ve set a goal to obtain our 10,00th ID. We know this is possible, but need your support!

The average cost to obtain an ID is $40. The average cost to distribute election guides to just one major metro area is $800!

That means we MUST raise $40,000 to meet our ID goals and get Election Guides out in 10 metro areas.

We know it won’t be easy, but we’re positive that you can help us make this happen!

Chip in to Support our GOTV Efforts!

Twenty one million Americans are living without an ID. Our 501(c)(4) sister organization, Project ID Action Fund is working to end this problem for good but in the meantime, we are on the streets and working with partners every day in 17 states, changing lives by acquiring IDs.