💸 BREAKING The Biden administration sides with elites over middle-class America with its latest student loan forgiveness plan.

From IWF's Inez Stepman: 
Student loan forgiveness overwhelmingly benefits, at a seven to one ratio, the upper middle class at the expense of the millions of working Americans who chose not to take on the debt of a degree. It will further escalate the cost of going to college, which has skyrocketed above inflation for decades because the government loan industry has decided that universities are worth subsidizing with trillions. The average voter now disagrees, and trust in universities, the primary beneficiaries of this gravy train, is at an all-time low. With this move, the administration is making it obvious whose interests they really represent: managerial elites and woke institutions, not working or middle class Americans. Learn more.



Progressive Privilege Prevalent Again

Progressive Privilege is responsible for driving our country into two camps, where there is no expectation of fair treatment and respectful debating of the facts between the sides. Today, the progressive worldview is depicted as what is normal, right, and worth celebrating. Conservatives are marginalized and stereotyped throughout our culture — in entertainment, news, politics, and academia. The latest example: Vogue just published a glamorous photoshoot and fawning coverage of Justice Ketanji Brown, which stands in stark contrast to Justice Amy Coney Barrett's harsh criticism. Learn more. 


It Costs $300,000 To Raise a Child Due To Inflation. Can You Afford It?

Raising a child from birth to adulthood comes with many costs, but parents still make the investment. New analysis reveals that the current 40-year high inflation has hiked the costs of childrearing to a whopping $310,000. The big question is whether higher costs will deter people from having one or multiple children if inflation persists. Read more.


Citizen Journalism 101: Back to School Edition

Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity on Thursday, August 25 at 7:00 p.m. EDT. 

Asra Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter who has covered everything from international terrorism to out-of-control local school boards, will provide actionable advice on how to be an effective citizen journalist — especially for parents who want to bring awareness to what’s happening in their local schools. 

Sign up as a Plus or Premium member for access to this exclusive workshop.
[Use code: ASRA for 50% Off]



The State of U.S. Energy

With skyrocketing gas prices, Americans are wondering: what has gone wrong? In reality, the driving force behind these high prices are misguided political promises the Biden administration made to radical environmental groups.

Can you guess which of the following statements is not true about the state of U.S. energy?

A. Pipelines are the safest and most environmentally efficient way to move oil and refined products to consumers.
B. Starting in 2010, the U.S. oil and gas industry experienced a renaissance.
C. Pollution is too great a threat to justify the continued use of petroleum-based energy.

She Thinks Podcast

  • New Episode: Check out Chris Fenton, president and CEO at Media Capital Technologies, diving into the tangled web of Chinese influence. Hear it here.
Listen on your favorite podcast app: 
  • Next Episode: On Friday, Mandy Gunasekara, senior fellow at IWF, joins the program to tackle the not-so-great state of U.S. energy. Listen Here.


Quiet End To ‘Remain in Mexico’ Won’t Silence the Border Crisis

The Biden administration quietly ended the ‘Remain in Mexico’ migrant protocol for those seeking to enter the U.S. illegally. This controversial policy was one of several tools to manage illegal crossings at the U.S. southern border and to discourage illegal immigration entirely. 


Wokeness Is Ripping Through America’s Schools

It’s back to school! You bought all the school supplies and new clothes, but what about insulating your children against school indoctrination? Sadly, indoctrination resistance is now part of going back to school so you must stay vigilant and teach your children personal boundaries.

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