
I want to thank everyone for their continued support of my campaign. Team Vikram continues to gain strength and momentum across every county in the state. The attention we are generating is noteworthy. The Democrats, other candidates, and even establishment leaders are feeling threatened by our momentum and we are increasingly the focus of attacks. Our honest, no-nonsense approach to focusing on the issues affecting all Granite Staters and Americans has been resonating. 

The campaign launched a new television ad earlier this week, one that has produced an extraordinary reaction. Click below to see the ad. As everyone who pays attention to politics is aware, television is expensive. We need support to keep the momentum going through primary day.  

For those who have donated, please consider an additional donation today. Every little bit helps. And for those who haven't, your help can have a big impact on our path to victory. Our country is fragile and we need a unifying person to move us forward. I am ready to be that person.


Cheers to Freedom! Cheers to America!


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