Leah Litman: SCOTUS Recap and Forecast
Episode 123 uploaded August 21: Sam Goldman provides commentary on the escalating fascist threat post the FBI's lawful search and seizure at Trump's Mar-a-Lago. Then we share an interview with Leah Litman, Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan and Co-host of the Strict Scrutiny podcast regarding the past, present and future of the Trump-stacked Supreme Court.
And you'll hear Merle Hoffman founder/CEO of Choices Women’s Medical Center and co-initator of Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights speaking at the New York Society of Ethical Culture
Give it a listen and let us know your thoughts. Transcript is forthcoming at

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Leah Litman:
think it is difficult to overstate the immediate and profound impacts
that overruling Roe had...The reality is that the abortion right is
inevitably connected and inextricably connected to many other
foundational rights as well... When the Supreme Court basically says:
Well, we're just going to ignore cases we don't like or we're going to
overrule cases we don't like, it really makes it difficult for people to
know what their rights are...Returning this fundamental right to state
legislatures at a time where state legislatures are attempting to
insulate themselves from democracy is quite dangerous.
Merle Hoffman:
Our slogan says "Abortion on demand and without apology." Without apology means that whatever the decision you make about why you can't parent at this particular time is the right decision. No man or state can define, judge that, or control that. The other thing we say now is "legal abortion on demand nationwide." Now we're in a situation where 26 - and another one this morning - 27 states have either banned or are making abortion almost impossible, creating a scenario where women will actually be enslaved by unwanted enforced, motherhood.
Sam Goldman
The machinery of the Democratic Party and mainstream media and the repro rights movement are already going into overdrive to train people to understand this “win” (in Kansas) as an excuse for complacency where in reality it should be proof of just how much we have going for us in a struggle that is only heating up. The fact that in this rare case, where to some extent the question of abortion rights was put to the people, they answered hell yes - that should be inspiration to fight harder.
But it must be made clear that this will not be resolved through the ballot box. As fascists seize every lever of power by hook or by crook or through brute force, with a mobilized minority ready to die for their hate-filled fascist mission - a majority that opposes them but stays silent has not and will not slow them down. Elections will not stop them. It’s time for determined struggle out in the streets, it’s time to transform a culture of silent passive decency into one of deafening demands for this most fundamental right, the right to abortion.
We have posted on RefuseFascism.org some recommended reading regarding this danger: Recommended Reading in Light of the FBI Raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago and Escalating Talk of “Civil War”
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