Friend — in a moment, I'm going to ask you to make a donation that will have a huge impact on keeping Nevada and the Senate blue. But first, I want to explain why your gift right now is so important:
First, new polling showed us gaining momentum in Nevada's must-win race that will determine Senate control.
But then, Donald Trump personally jetted to Nevada to rally his base around my extremist opponent in an effort to halt all our momentum.
Now, CNN has named me the most vulnerable Democratic senator in the country, and I'm counting on your grassroots donation by midnight to help defend our Senate majority.

Friend, this is perhaps the most urgent moment for my campaign: Multiple election forecasters are saying I'm the most vulnerable senator in the country, and Nevada is the GOP's best chance at flipping a seat en route to taking back the Senate.
I've fought and won tough races before – winning by just 2 points in 2016 to become our nation's first Latina senator. I refuse to give up now and let the GOP take back control, but I need your help to win.
Please chip in $5 or more right now to split between my campaign and Blue Senate Candidate Fund to make the greatest impact you can, help me reach my midnight fundraising goal, and keep Nevada and the Senate blue!
¡La lucha sigue! The fight continues!
P.S. In a race this consequential, every goal and every dollar is so important. Your donation could mean the difference between winning and losing this race, so I hope you’ll pitch in what you can to keep Nevada and the Senate blue.