Hi —

Anti-environment, anti-democracy politicians don’t belong in elected office, especially at the highest levels. This includes Doug Mastriano.

We need YOUR help to preserve our health, environment and our democracy

Donate $25 to our Political Action Committee TODAY



LCV's Dirty Dozen in the States highlights 12 of the worst environmental candidates in the nation at the state and local level. 

Pennsylvania's nominee? Dirty Doug Mastriano, candidate for governor.

Members of the Dirty Dozen in the States have consistently sided against the environment and are a danger to our democracy. These candidates are selected regardless of party affiliation and are running in races prioritized by LCV state affiliates in the Conservation Voter Movement.

As we celebrate the victory of the Inflation Reduction Act and the clean energy future it will create, we can’t afford to move backward by having Doug Mastriano as Pennsylvania’s next governor. 

Will you help us protect public health and the environment - and democracy itself - from the dangers of Doug Mastriano by donating to our Political Action Committee TODAY? >>

State Senator Doug Mastriano earned a 0% score on the 2019/2020 Pennsylvania Environmental Scorecard. He opposes the state joining the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, one of CVPA’s biggest priorities, and he introduced SB 1219, calling for unfettered fracking, pipeline expansion, and looser oversight of drilling activities. 

Mastriano not only refuses to protect our environment, he also actively undermines our democracy. Disturbingly, CNN highlighted Mastriano’s direct involvement to try and overturn the 2020 election result in Pennsylvania. He was later subpoenaed by the January 6th Committee for trying to overturn the election in his own state and was also among those that crossed police barriers during the Capitol insurrection, even paying for transportation to the Capitol for other insurrectionists.

We see a future ahead with a focus on clean energy and environmental justice, bolstered by a strong and secure democracy. That future won’t be possible with Doug Mastriano as our next governor.

Please supporting our effort to prevent the Dirty Dozen - including Doug Mastriano - from threatening our democracy and our clean energy future by donating to our Political Action Committee TODAY >>

Thank you for your support,

Katie Blume
Political & Legislative Director
Conservation Voters of PA

Conservation Voters of PA
P.O. Box 2125
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States