Every issue that you and I care about is on the line...

Friend, we’ve always been able to count on you to step up when it matters the most.

Caring Americans like you -- who believe our democracy is worth fighting for, and are willing to take action in its defense -- are a big part of why we’re able to do this work.

Throughout the past three tumultuous years, and throughout our nearly 50-year history, you and millions like you have been there to speak up -- persistently and powerfully -- for what’s right.

And now, as we enter what could be one of the most pivotal years for our democracy -- we must rise to the challenge once again.

You see, we’re finalizing our plans for 2020, and our resources are stretched extremely thin. There’s just so much we need to take on in the coming year -- protecting voters in the contentious 2020 election, passing state reforms to strengthen our democracy, making sure we have a fair Census, and more.

Our finance team says we need to raise an additional $500,000 between now and the end of the year -- or we’ll need to start scaling back our core programs to cover the gap.

I don’t want to do that, Friend, because the next 12 months will be absolutely decisive for our nation’s future.

That’s why I’m counting on Common Cause supporters like you to step up and help to make sure that we can stay in this fight -- advocating for (and winning!) the campaigns that matter, and doing whatever it takes to ensure we leave a strong, free, and fair democracy for the next generation.

The good news? We’ve already raised over $367,000 in small-dollar donations from members like you -- $15 here, $40 there. But we’ve still got a ways to go… and that’s where your gift today can really make a difference.

Friend, I’m asking you to help Common Cause keep fighting day in and day out for a democracy that works for ALL of us. Your special year-end gift could make all the difference -- will you chip in today?





CHIP IN $100

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I know that there are a lot of important causes, charities, and candidates vying for your attention right now. But I want to let you know why it’s so important to support Common Cause’s work this year.

The fact is: we can’t make any of the changes our nation needs if we don’t have an open, honest, and accountable democracy.

Everything depends on that. If we lose this generational struggle for democracy against the forces of authoritarianism and oligarchy, then every other priority we have will suffer.

The environment. Education. Gun control. Immigration. No matter which issues matter most to you, we can’t make ANY progress on them until we can hold our elected officials accountable... end Big Money’s stronghold on our politics... and empower every voter to speak out at the ballot box.

Common Cause has fought this critically important fight for almost 50 years -- thanks to the support and dedication of members like you. And though our democracy is facing challenges unlike any we’ve seen before, we know what it’ll take to win.

It starts with every Common Cause member taking a stand for our democracy -- mobilizing around the issues that matter to us and doing our part to protect the American values that unite us. Will you chip in for a better democracy today?

Remember, Friend: everything counts on this. Every issue that you and I care about is on the line.

Please help us meet our ambitious year-end goal of $500,000. Your gift will go directly toward our fight to make our democracy more open, honest, and accountable.

Thanks for all you do,

Jesse Littlewood, Vice President for Campaigns
and the team at Common Cause

Common Cause
805 Fifteenth Street NW, Suite 800
Washington, DC xxxxxx

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