Ghazela Hashmi after winning her State Senate Race on Election Night: Her campaign speech theme--
I too sing America--based on the Langston Hughes poem.

Please join me Thursday for a Holiday party to celebrate our victory in 2019 and Watch the Democratic Presidential Debate. I'll be hosting any and all who wish to come to 2001 15th Street, Arlington, VA 22201.
Click here to Join Me Thursday to Celebrate and Watch the Debate
Celebrate the victory and enjoy holiday cheer. Sign up to by clicking above! (Please do sign up, since we expect a full house and want to plan food and drink.)
                                                              Senator Warren with Bailey
Supporters of all candidates welcome. No price of admission. The wine, snacks, and beer will all be free.   

Thank you for considering and for all you do on behalf of the ideals we share. 

Matt for Arlington
Matt for County Board
Authorized by Matt for Arlington

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Matt for Arlington · 2001 15th St N Apt 506 · Arlington, VA 22201-2693 · USA