Because This Is America!

Weekly News, Updates, and Events

We As Democrats Believe:

"There are risks and costs to action. But they are far less than the long range risks of comfortable inaction."

— John F. Kennedy


Suggest a future quote?: Click here to send to the Editor


Two Important January Dates To Put On Your Calendar Now

Our organizing for 2020 begins with precinct organization in February and this year we have less flexibility than we do in non-presidential election years. Accordingly, we urge you to put the January 14 Precinct Organization Training on your calendar now, so that you don't miss it. Likewise, at our Monthly Meeting On January 27 we need a quorum to elect two new SEC members, so if you are a Precinct Chair, Precinct Vice Chair or SEC member, it is important for you to attend so we have a quorum for the vote.  If you cannot attend, you can send a proxy with a written statement from you that they are authorized to vote your proxy. See time and place details for both events below.



DOING (Democrats Organizing In Neighborhood Groups) Gears Up for 2020


Democrats are working hard to get Democrats elected to pass progressive legislation and stop the rightward trend in our state and country. That is why we came up with the DOING (Democrats Organizing in Neighborhood Groups) model. The goal of DOING is to help establish ongoing contact with as many Democratic voters as we can. People in each precinct can work together to build community and mobilize Democrats in their local area vote.
First, we are focusing on registered Democrats who do not vote in every election.  If we all vote, we win. Our local Democratic candidates are winning and losing on very narrow margins. A few more voters can make a huge difference
We have three canvasses scheduled for January (details below), and expect more over the next few months. Sign up to canvas one or all. Join our Mobilization group (the MOB Squad!) and help change the world! If you are a precinct officer and need more information about DOING to schedule your precinct canvass, please contact Susanne Werner at [email protected].

New Hanover County To Decide Today On Voting Machines Amid Controversy

New Hanover County Commissioners are expected to vote today to spend nearly 1 Million dollars on new voting machines amidst concern that some of these may not be the model previously certified.

Why new machines?

Most of the voting equipment used in New Hanover in the election were direct record electronic (DRE) voting machines. These systems do not record votes on paper ballots so have raised concerns about vulnerability to cyberattacks.  In 2018 NC law (SL 2018-13 ) decertified DRE systems.  New Hanover County BOE is hoping to replace all of our voting units with one of the new systems approved by the NC Elections Board. 

So, what is the controversy?

The ExpressVote (ESV) model certified in North Carolina and by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission is EVS in August. Due to lack of availability of those devices ES&S has asked the state board to approve the use of a slightly updated device, the EVS which is approved for use in eleven other states.

The question was whether the newer systems  are different enough from the previously certified models as to affect their security.  On Friday afternoon, the North Carolina Board of Elections voted 3-2 to approve the use of a newer model of the ES&S ExpressVote devices without going through the state certification process.

Will the Commission Decide Today?

Port City Daily reports that “According to New Hanover County Board of Elections Director Rae Hunter Havens, the BOE is still recommending ES&S to the county commissioners, who will vote to approve $1 million to replace machines countywide on Monday, December 16. Hunter Havens said that while the BOE was obviously concerned about a potential shortage, the decision about whether the machines were acceptable was up to the state." The County needs to make a million dollar decision today to be prepared for the 2020 election.

Bloomberg Campaign Seeks Housing for Staff


The Michael Bloomberg 2020 campaign team is arriving soon  in North Carolina. A campaign announcement said "We're super excited to get to work! We're looking for supporter housing for some of our staff in the Wilmington area through the March 3rd Primary." If you have an extra room in your house and are willing to house a Bloomberg campaign staffer, please reach out to Robin Briendel at [email protected]



Editor's Note: NHCDP aims to help all Democratic presidential campaigns to be effective in New Hanover, so if you find out about events or canvasses planned by Democratic candidates, please send them to the editor of these emails.

Filing for November 2020 Election -- Open till this Friday, December 20


When: Weekdays till December 20, 2019

Where: County Board of Elections for state and local offices, North Carolina Board of Elections for federal offices.


Persons wanting to run for office in the 2020 general election must file during the stated filing period. Instructions for filing may be found at  A list of incumbents may be found at 


Filing for US Congress was stayed by a Wake County court on November 15th. That stay was lifted on Monday December 2nd after the Court decided that it was too late in the election cycle to consider claims that the redrawn districts still constitute unconstitutional gerrymanders.



Dr. Kyle to File for County Commission Today -- December 16


When: Monday, December 16, Noon

Where: Board of Elections, 230 Government Drive, Wilmington


Dr. Kyle Horton launches her campaign for County Commissioner! She hopes many of you will join her as she files at the NHC Board of Elections on Monday, December 16th at noon. She plans to build on the momentum from her 2018 campaign to put a Doctor in the House. 


Cancelled: New Hanover County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting -- December 16


NHCDP meetings are ordinarily held on the third Monday of the month, but there will be no meeting on December 16. Instead we will gather for a holiday party at Foxes Boxes on December 21.  In January our monthly meeting will be held on the fourth Monday, January 27th, because the third Monday is MLK day.


Dinner to Meet Cal Cunningham, Candidate for U.S. Senate -- December 17


When: Tuesday, December 17, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m.

Where: Details after you register


Cal Cunningham is running for U.S Senate to replace Thom Tillis. He is having a dinner event in Wilmington and is looking forward to answering questions and laying out his vision for North Carolina. To RSVP and purchase tickets, click here.

Before Kwanza Celebration -- December 17


When: Tuesday, December 17, 6:30 p.m.

Where:  Robert Taylor Homes Banquet Room, 1308 North 5th Street, Wilmington


Before Kwanzaa Celebration will be the theme of the year-end meeting of the National Black Leadership Caucus NHC Chapter. The program will include Resources for Kwanzaa, Listing of Black Businesses to support in the City, Why the Census is important to the African American community and other issues.


The event is free and open to the public. Bring a canned good for the organization's food drive. Wearing African attire is encouraged. There will be reflections from Islah Speller about the citywide upcoming Kwanzaa Event  sponsored by the Burnett- Eaton Museum starting December 26th through January 1st. 


Christmas Lights Trolley with Marcia Morgan -- December 19


When: Thursday, December 19, 5:45 to 7:00 p.m.

Where: Meet at the Cotton Exchange, Front Street Entrance, 321 N. Front Street, Wilmington


Join Mrs. Claus and NC House District 19 Candidate Ret. Col. Marcia Morgan as they hop aboard the Cape Fear Trolley and wassail your way throughout the Historic District and ooh! and aah! over the beautiful homes decked out for the Christmas holiday. Remember to arrive by 5:45 p.m. to fill your cup with holiday cheer and board our "sleigh" on time.
Tickets will go fast for this unique holiday event! Get yours today by clicking here.  Proceeds benefit the Marcia Morgan campaign.


Democratic Debate Watch Party -- December 19


When: Thursday, December 19, approximately 8:00 p.m. to midnight

Where:  Home of Madeliene Henley and Jim Fleagle, 8209 Furtado Drive, Wilmington


Assuming that Loyola University settles its’ dispute with Local 11 and a debate is actually held, New Hanover County Democrats are welcome to gather at the home of Precinct H12 Chair Madeleine Henley and Jim Fleagle to cheer our candidates on. Plan to arrive about half an hour before the debate begins. BYOB and if you like, bring a dish to share. RSVP by emailing Madeleine at [email protected]


NHCDP Holiday Party and Meet the Candidates Event -- December 21


When: Saturday, December 21, 3 to 5 p.m.

Where: Foxes Boxes, 622 N. 4th Street, Wilmington


The day after  the filing deadline for 2020 candidates, and the scheduled impeachment vote, Democrats will gather to celebrate and meet candidates. Enjoy the fellowship of New Hanover Dems, h'ors d'oeurves by Foxes Boxes and a cash bar


Leslie Cohen for County Commission Campaign Kickoff -- December 22


When: Sunday, December 22, 4 to 6 p.m.

Where: The Historic Firehouse, 602 South 5th Avenue, Wilmington


Join Leslie Cohen as she kicks off her campaign for New Hanover County Board of Commissioners. There will be drinks and food as supporters issue in the campaign season. For more details and to purchase tickets for the event click here.


Deb Butler Re-election Fundraising Event --  January 8


When: Wednesday, January 8, 6 to 8 p.m.

Where: The Blockade Runner, 275 Waynick Blvd., Wrightsville Beach


Deb Butler is seeking re-election to her District 18 seat in the North Carolina House of Representatives. The entertainment at this event will be headlined by Susan Powell, Miss America 1981. Ticket and sponsorship information TBA.


"You Can Vote" Rally -- January 14


When: Tuesday, January 14, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Where:  Unitarian Universalist Church, 4313 Lake Ave., Wilmington


The North Carolina organization formed to encourage voter education and participation will hold a rally and volunteer training event to begin the 2020 campaign season. To register, click here.


Important Precinct Training-- January 14


When: Tuesday, January 14, 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Where: NHCDP Headquarters, 5041 New Centre Drive, Wilmington


All precinct officers and others interested in precinct work are invited to attend this training. You will learn everything you need to know to organize your precinct. Precinct officers need to attend to pick up your precinct packet.  Please RSVP to [email protected].


New Hanover Democrats March In MLK Parade -- January 20


When: Monday, January 20, 10 a.m.

Where: Parking Lot Next To CFCC Swartz Center, 610 N. Front Street, Wilmington


New Hanover Democrats are proud to participate in the parade. We expect to have a trolley, so you can choose to march or ride or some of both. Dress for the weather - it is usually colder than you expect. We expect some local and state candidates to join us in the parade. After the parade, we will warm up at Foxes Boxes at 622 N 4th St, Wilmington with Rachel's gumbo and cash bar for adult beverages. Foxes Boxes is just a few short blocks from the end of the parade route. Join us!


Important New Hanover County Democratic Party Monthly Meeting -- January 27


When: Monday, January 27, 6 p.m.

Where: NHCDP HQ, 5041 New Center Drive, Wilmington


Regular meetings are held the third Monday of the month. Our meeting this month is a week late because of MLK day.  We need a quorum at this meeting because we will elect two SEC members to fill vacant seats, so we are asking all precinct chairs, vice chairs, and SEC members to attend.


Precinct Organization Day -- February 15


When: Saturday, February 15, Time TBD by Precinct Chair

Where: TBD by Precinct Chair


Because this is a presidential election year, the rules are a bit different. Instead of a ten day period for precinct organization, there is a single day, February 15th. There is only one make-up day, March 14th, for precincts that fail to organize in February.


New Hanover County Democratic Party Convention --  March 28


When: Checkin begins at 9 a.m., closes at 10 a.m.

Where: Board of Education Center, 1805 South 13th Street, Wilmington


Italian Wine Tasting Event with Marcia Morgan -- March 31


          When: Tuesday, March 31 5:30 - 7 p.m.

Where: Home of Anne York and Jeffrey Schrager, 305 S Lumina, Wrightsville Beach


Click here for a ticket.


7th Congressional District Convention -- April 25


When: Saturday April 25, Time TBD

Where: TBD


Planning for this event has been upended because the new district lines have put several of the district officers, including the chair, Francisco Rivas-Dias, outside the district. Stay tuned


State Convention -- June 6


When: Saturday June 6, checkin at 10 a.m.

Where: TBD




Richard Poole, Chair

News Content by James Cummings 


If you have any announcements, comments, questions or concerns regarding this email series, please contact the Editor here.

Paid for by the New Hanover County Democratic Party

Mailing Address: 


PO Box 3036

Wilmington, NC 28406 


Office Address:

5041 New Centre Drive

Wilmington, NC 28403

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