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We Need Your Help Keeping Rochester Lead-Safe


Dear Coalition Member,
This year has been one of great change. Across our community, supporters like you have helped guide our children towards a healthier, lead safe future – and the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning has been working alongside you.

  • Together, our community made big strides by reducing the total number of children reported with an elevated blood lead level in the City of Rochester by 16%.
  • Together, we educated and trained over 7,000 parents, grassroots community organizations, childcare providers, and contractors on child lead safety best practices.
  • Together, we helped activate other coalitions and community groups nationwide, including groups in Elmira, Buffalo, Syracuse, Cleveland (OH) and Newark (NJ).  
  • Together, supporters like you help the Coalition face on of our community’s toughest, yet solvable health issues head on.
We know that we can, and need, to make even more progress next year.
As you may know, New York State lowered its definition of elevated blood lead level to 5 uq/dL (micrograms per deciliter)-- lower than ever before. This means: more kids may be identified as lead poisoned and more families will need resources. This also means CPLP has more work to do, advocating for hundreds of these new children, and educating at-risk families on lead poisoning prevention.
That’s why we’re asking for your help. Your donation will go directly to education and outreach; for printed materials, local events, grassroots and regional outreach, and website expenses.
Our region has made so much progress over these last few years, but we know there is more work to do.
We believe that childhood lead poisoning can—and must—end.
And we know we can get there together.
Mel Callan
Chair of the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning
Yes, I Want To Keep Rochester Lead-Safe
 Donation Information:
The Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning's has 501c3 tax exempt status through our fiscal agent, Causewave Community Partners. Donations will be handled by them, but will only be used for Coalition related activities. You may also mail a check made out to Causewave Community Partners, 274 N. Goodman St. Suite B269 Rochester NY 14607, and make a notation on the memo line for the Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning. If you have any questions about your donation, please email Andrea Carvalho at [email protected].
Copyright © 2019 The Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning, All rights reserved.
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The Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning · 274 N Goodman St · Rochester, NY 14607 · USA

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