Dear John,


November will be here before you know it, and the mass mobilization to the polls will not happen by itself. The #VoteAgainstFascism must be organized!


Will you pledge to participate in the battle to defeat the extreme right and fascists in the GOP?


The AFL-CIO has declared, “Freedom is on the ballot this November”—and they’re right! In this situation, we need a big- and small-d democratic majority in Congress. There’s no two ways about it. That, combined with struggle in the workplaces, streets, and campuses, is the only thing that will defeat the Trumpist right and their big business backers.


Abortion rights, voting rights, climate change, war and peace are on the line. 


We cannot defend and expand, or win, the “freedom to vote, freedom to join a union, freedom to access lifesaving health care,” or the “freedom to earn a living wage” without marching from the streets to the polls and back again. All of the rights our working class and people have won through bitter struggle are under sharp attack from the extreme right. Some have already been taken away.


Now is the time to march to the polls, and take our friends, family, coworkers and neighbors with us!


Will you join us?


In struggle,




Communist Party USA
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New York, NY 10011
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