Want to know how this bill will help working people? We’ve got you covered. We’re talking about what’s in this historic bill and how it’ll help you.
An infographic explaining how the Inflation Reduction Act will help bring tax fairness to working people. Before, some of the largest corporations paid $0 in federal income tax and 55 of the largest, wealthiest corporations didn’t pay any federal income tax. After, working families making less than $400,000 won’t have a tax increase, and the government will save $124 billion by collecting taxes already owed by wealthy people and large corporations.

Hi John,


The Inflation Reduction Act is good for working families.


We have more details below, but the bottom line is: It will create union jobs, tax the rich, fight climate change and lower health care costs.


If you want details on what else is in this historic bill, keep reading ⤵⤵⤵


Health Care

  • 13 million people will save an average of $800 per year on health insurance premiums.
  • Prevents premium hikes for people with Affordable Care Act coverage.

Prescription Drugs

  • Medicare can negotiate prescription drug costs, which can lower costs for millions of people.
  • Caps insulin costs at $35/month for Medicare beneficiaries.

Climate Change

  • Tax credits and rebates for working people making cleaner energy choices like electric vehicles and solar panels.
  • Invests billions of dollars in American manufacturing to create hundreds of thousands of good-paying union jobs.
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 1 gigaton in 2030.

And don’t forget that we will make sure rich people and large corporations finally pay their fair share of taxes.


It’s been a long fight, but we finally did it. To the thousands of working people who came together and delivered this victory: Thank you.


In Solidarity,




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