Here's what you may have missed this month
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Hey friends!

What a great month we’ve had here at TTP! We’ve added some new faces to our teams, and said some sweet farewells to a few. Please check out our August announcements to stay up to date on our statewide activities.

You can look for your County specific activities on our events page online or on our Facebook page! We are getting more and more social activities set up in addition to the monthly meetings! I love the sense of community this builds among each of our County groups! So be sure to check those out!

On a Personal Note:

August had me traveling from Denton (home) -> Beaumont -> WilCo -> Johnson County (JoCo) all in one week! I love driving across the state for these meetings because I get the chance to listen to audio-books I’ve been filling my virtual bookshelf with! A friend recommended to me “Mama Bear Apologetics” and I personally enjoyed it, but have started it a second time just to make sure my mind didn’t wander and miss anything important. Ultimately, I felt it aligned very well with my christian view on the hot topics of today. Normally, for this recap email I would provide a summary of the meetings I attended and I will get to that, but I had a moment with God last week that I felt pressed to share. So I’ll try to make it brief… those of you who are my Facebook friends already got the full glory of this story!

Last Tuesday morning while in Beaumont, I planned to wake up early at 5:30 and make the short drive to High Island Beach (far east end of Bolivar Peninsula) in hopes of getting a sunrise on the beach. I thought I had it timed right. Well, the Lord woke me at 4AM and wouldn’t let me get back to sleep. So I got up, packed up and headed to the beach. I got there in time for sunrise which I would have been late for had I waited on my alarm. As I pulled into the parking area, right in front of me, coming up out of the water was a large - maybe 15 foot cross with a crown of thorns hung on it. Oh hey there God! I see you! I opened up my daily devotional and read the most perfect words for where I was in that moment with God. Sends chills when -as my sweet friend Tamara Coleman put it so perfectly- “God loves us so much! Billions in the world yet He communicates so clearly, one on one with us. WOW!” You can read the full devotional on my Facebook post which is public, so we don’t have to be friends for you to read it. Just search for me - Susan Griffith. I hope it gives you the same warm fuzzies it gives me!



August Meeting Spotlights:

Raise your hand if thinking of winter gives you PTSD of February 2021?
Well, Senator Bob Hall is graciously sharing a documentary he’s been a part of called “Grid Down Power Up” giving us the details behind the power grid failure. I had the pleasure of seeing it twice! One note I took says an attack on just 9 of our 55k substations across the nation is all it would take for an entire power grid meltdown!🤯 Be sure to check out his site and sign up for his Capital Hall Report.

I also had another opportunity to hear from Emily Cook, General Counsel with Texas Right to Life discuss with us the importance of Pro-Life legislation. This is above and beyond Roe v. Wade being overturned. They also offer patient advocacy for those facing conflict with medical professionals over life altering care.

Bunni Pounds has been making her way across the state telling us about Christians Engaged and the courses they offer in civics to help churches approach the topics they tend to avoid at the pulpit. Definitely check them out because my summary of what they do doesn’t even give their program the justice it deserves! What I DO KNOW is that I NEED a LOT more time on my hands to absorb all that I need to learn from these fantastic organizations!

Check out this picture from our TTP Johnson County launch with Chad Prather! We had over 200 in attendance and several have contacted us excited to get things going with our new satellite group there in Cleburne! 



What's Next?

In addition to the fantastic lineup of speakers and panelists scheduled for us in September (remember the links at the beginning😉) we’re also launching a group in Rockwall/Kaufman County! If you’re in or near the area, come join us!


We're also bringing back Bob Hilliard and Constitutional Bootcamp in DFW and Leander! This IS part of the Certified True Texan courses! Get it while you can!

It takes a whole team of people to operate each location and we could ALWAYS use more hands on deck! If you would like to help on any one of our teams please email me directly at [email protected]. Beyond the people it also takes money. If you can help support TTP financially, the very best way to do that is through monthly recurring donations.  No amount is too small - the small ones add up.  Of course we'll take big ones too!  No pressure, but if you'd like to donate to TTP (once or monthly), click the button below.  Bonus - you can designate your contributions to your specific satellite group!

Great things are happening at True Texas Project.  We look forward to seeing you again next time - spread the word and bring a friend!

Susan Griffith, Satellite Development Coordinator

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