Dear John,

Recently, I endorsed James Diossa for General Treasurer of Rhode Island. Since meeting James as a Councilman years ago, ​​I have always been impressed with him. He was curious, ambitious in the good sense of the word and willing to roll up his sleeves and do the work to create the kind of communities that we want to be a part of.

His experience leading Central Falls out of an inherited bankruptcy to the comeback city and investment grade status, ability to build coalitions with many from diverse perspectives, and energy in bringing new ideas to a critical state office are just some of the reasons why I know he is the best candidate for the job. 

That’s why I’m endorsing James for General Treasurer. I hope you’ll join me in supporting James’ campaign by making an online contribution by clicking here.








Paid for by Friends of Jorge Elorza, PO Box 23420, Providence RI 02903