In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.
NSS CEO Stephen Evans says it is alarming that the General Medical Council has taken no action against a doctor who openly stated that he initiates
conversations about faith with patients. (Scroll down to read.)
The Sikh Federation has confirmed it will be taking its census battle on to the Court of Appeal. The federation wants a tick box included in the 2021 UK
census for Sikhs to record themselves as an ethnic group, not just as a religion.
The archbishop of Canterbury has said he is concerned about the direction the UK is travelling in. But during an interview he refused to comment directly on
allegations against Prince Andrew.
Some Christian parents and a former bishop have criticised a school which has told children to sing "baby boy Jesus" rather than "Lord Jesus" in a Christmas
carol so children of all beliefs can join in.
Pro-choice MP Stella Creasy used her acceptance speech as a new MP in Walthamstow in east London to take aim at Christian Peoples Alliance for disseminating
'deeply distressing' leaflets.
Protests over a new law which entitles non-Muslim migrants from three Muslim-majority countries to citizenship if they are facing religious persecution are
raging across several Indian cities.
US President Donald Trump has signed an executive order aimed at combating anti-semitism on college campuses. But the way it's written opens the possibility
for misuse.
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