From Ellie, Kathy, me... <[email protected]>
Subject John, Friday is Women's Equality Day
Date August 23, 2022 11:03 PM
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What YOU can do for women’s equality right now


John, Friday is Women’s Equality Day.

Women’s Equality Day in years past has been a celebration of winning women’s right to vote. But this year does not feel like a celebration. 202 will be the first time in United States history in which women have had a basic right taken away, that was previously awarded.

Give now to Vote Equality ’22 [[link removed]]

Let’s face it, the US Supreme Court Dobbs decision reversed Roe v. Wade and took away a basic right to privacy for women and pregnant people to make decisions about whether or not to have an abortion Rather, it gives to states the right to ban legal abortions or severely restrict access to abortions. This decision also threatens future access to contraceptives and same-sex marriages which are currently permitted in all 50 states by US Supreme Court decisions using the right to privacy.

That is why the Feminist Majority is not celebrating but working very hard to help get out the vote to elect a majority in both the House and Senate, that will stand up for women’s rights and gender equality.

With your generous contribution, we can do this. Keep scrolling to read more about our campaign Vote Equality '22. [[link removed]]

-Ellie, Kathy, and all of us fighting for the ERA


From: Kathy Spillar <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, August 21, 2022 09:03:45 PM
To: John xxxxxx
Subject: It’s time 🕘 to stop the war on women


The finish line for the 2022 election is in sight, midterm elections are just 79 days away, and we need your help now. Let me explain. [[link removed]]

When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade , adding the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution became more important than ever . You see, the ERA is the most permanent way to provide a constitutional basis for reproductive rights, sex equality, and women’s rights.
We are sure you have heard about the importance of this election for Democracy. It is also extremely important for women’s equal rights and lives.

[link removed] [[link removed]]
But right-wing extremists are pulling out all the stops to block progress through the Senate’s draconian filibuster rules — a holdover from the racist Jim Crow era.

The only way to break the filibuster and enshrine the ERA in the Constitution is to maintain a solid Democratic majority in the House and to flip at least two Republican seats in the Senate.

With your support, we CAN help make the difference in winning for the Democrats in battleground House and Senate states. It is why I’m asking you to be a part of the Feminist Majority Vote Equality ’22 Campaign.

Give now to Vote Equality ’22 [[link removed]]

The Vote Equality ’22 Campaign is mobilizing the student and gender vote in nine key states. These states are specifically targeted because they will make it possible for Democrats to grow their majority in the U.S. Senate and maintain a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives.

With just two more Senate seats, we’ll have a 52-48 Democratic majority. Together, with Vice President Kamala Harris’ tie-breaking vote, we can stop Mitch McConnell’s filibuster without the votes of Senators Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

Give now to Vote Equality ’22 [[link removed]]

We know this is doable because we’ve done it before...under less favorable circumstances.

According to NBC, the gender gap this year is three times higher than normal because of the devastating Supreme Court decision reversing Roe v. Wade . You saw what happened in Kansas earlier this month — when a surge of voters from its normal 300 to 400 thousand to nearly a million voters (including thousands of newly registered women voters) [[link removed]] rejected a ballot measure that would have banned abortion.

With your generous support, we’ll mobilize students on college campuses who are overwhelmingly supportive of reproductive rights and equality to increase voter turnout from 25% to over 40% in the midterm elections. We are targeting students because they have the largest potential to increase their percentage voting. Young people, especially women, overwhelmingly do not want to lose reproductive rights and freedom.

Give now to Vote Equality ’22 [[link removed]]

Together, we can drive the student and gender vote to record levels and end the filibuster to protect reproductive rights, preserve our democracy, expand voting rights, and finally enshrine the ERA in the United States Constitution.

With your support, we will never go back. We will never give up .

For Equality,

Kathy Spillar
Executive Director

P.S. We can win vitally necessary exceptions to the filibuster, restore the protections of Roe v. Wade nationwide through federal legislation, and add the ERA to the Constitution.

Give now to Vote Equality ’22 [[link removed]]


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Arlington, VA 22209
United States

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