How'l you doing, team?

We're not trying to hound you – but we needed to check in to see if you had two minutes to take a quick survey for our team.

This survey is going to be a big help in seeing what your priorities are for November. Take the survey now and share your thoughts with us >>>
You might have gotten my mom's last email, where she explained how important this survey is to our campaign. We are laser-focused on the midterms in November.

We all know that Bryan Steil is barking up the wrong tree. While he is focused on getting money from his corporate donors, we are putting in the work to see what matters to the people of WI-01. We will give it everything we can in this election in November.

Your voice matters to us, and we want to know how we can help our district from your perspective.

If you have a few minutes to spare, please take this survey and let us know your thoughts on the issues that are crucial to you in this election >>>
Thank you for continuing to be the ulti-mutt supporter!

Max the Campaign Mascot

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Ann Roe
Date: Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 4:13 PM
Subject: What matters to you this November? [TAKE OUR SURVEY]

Hi friends,

We made it past the primary elections and are now looking toward the midterms.

Time is ticking. We have less than 90 days to connect with voters and share with them what our campaign is about AND ramp up our efforts to kick Bryan Steil out of office.

This campaign started because I could see things weren't working in our district. People are worried about getting affordable healthcare, job security, quality education, and a bright future for their children.

These are basic rights that every single person in this district deserves – our current congressperson, Bryan Steil, does not think so. He would rather focus on pushing the agenda of his corporate donors in Congress and ignoring what our district needs.

Our campaign is here to change that. This election is not going to be politics as usual.

As the underdog in this race, we have our work cut out for us. The momentum we are building in this district reflects how hard I will work to serve everyone in the district – not just the ones who think like me or donate. And everyone we have connected with so far says the same thing: We are genuine about bringing change to WI-01.

But first, I wanted to check in with you and see your top priorities for this election. Can you take this quick survey and share your thoughts with us?

Your voice matters to me, friend.

I am not running for office because I want to be a politician but because I saw change was needed, and I had to stand up for our community. I am grateful for all the support this campaign has received so far, but there is much more we need to complete before November. There are more voters out there that we need to connect with, and we'll need your help to get there.

Bryan doesn't care, but we do. His priorities are to keep on working on behalf of his corporate donors. This is not the leader we need, which is why, come November, his time in office is up.

I know what issues are near and dear to me, and those issues are some of the motivations for why I'm running for office, but I want to hear from you.

Your voice matters to me. Please, take just a few minutes to let me know your thoughts and the issues that are crucial to you in this campaign. >>

Thank you for letting us know what is important to you. Together we are going to win this,

– Ann Roe>