John – Idaho’s draconian abortion ban is set to take effect in two days, unless a lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice puts a stop to it.

Graphic featuring a Washington Post Headline dated August 22, 2022, which reads “Judge to rule by Wednesday on federal challenge to Idaho abortion ban. The Justice Department argues that federal law requires doctors to provide health-stabilizing care.” Included is a photo of abortion rights protesters taken outside the Idaho state capitol building earlier this year.

Yesterday, the federal judge overseeing the case said there seems to be an “absolute conflict” between that law and a federal law regulating emergency care, and promised a ruling no later than tomorrow.


Even if we win a reprieve and the abortion ban is not allowed to take effect, it doesn’t mean the fight is over. When faced with challenges like these in the past, Republican state lawmakers simply tweak the law to dodge the legal challenges and pass it anyway.


It is imperative that we protect abortion rights at the federal level. The House already passed two bills protecting abortion care, but they’re stuck in the Senate – held up by the filibuster.


I need your help to flip this U.S. Senate seat so we can pass abortion rights and end this legal tug-of-war happening in the states. Will you pitch in today?

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Abortion rights are under attack in more than one way in Idaho. Earlier this year, Republican lawmakers passed a bill modeled after Texas’ “bounty-hunter” law that allows anyone – even the family members of rapists – to sue any abortion provider up to four years after providing care.


That law is so egregious that our Republican governor, Brad Little, called it both “unconstitutional and unwise.” He also said he had “significant concerns” about the bill – then he signed it into law anyway.


And on the trigger law set to take effect this week, one Republican state senator actually said he believes a woman’s life is worth LESS than the potential life of her pregnancy:

A screenshot of a tweet from the Idaho House and Senate Democrats including an animated gif of a conversation between Democratic Representative Brooke Green and Republican State Senator Todd Lakey, in which Lakey admits that he believes the life of the mother is worth less than a child.

State lawmakers are playing a dangerous game, and millions of American women are left hanging in the balance while their rights are used as political pawns.


We know this doesn’t end with abortion rights. Our rights to privacy, bodily autonomy, marriage equality, and much more – everything is on the table with this radical court.


We HAVE to hold and expand the Democratic majority in the Senate. That’s why I’m running to defeat Republican Mike Crapo – and I need your help. Will you consider a contribution of $100 or $50 today to help me flip this U.S. Senate seat?


Even many conservative evangelical voters oppose these extreme abortion bans. We CAN win in Idaho, and I believe Idaho is worth fighting for.


- David



David Roth is a single, gay dad running to flip a U.S. Senate seat in Idaho. His opponent is an extremist “pro-life” Republican who’s been in politics for 37 years. David stepped up to serve the state that has been his home most of his life, where he is now raising his two young sons, because every state is worth fighting for. There has never been an openly gay man elected to the U.S. Senate. Help us make history this year. Pitch in now to flip this seat and send David to D.C.

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