Freedom Watch

Dear Patriot,

Support Freedom Watch It’s vitally urgent that you give $5, $10, $25, $50, or more RIGHT NOW to help fuel my TWO critically important lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to FREE ALL JANUARY PROTESTERS.

Not only because they’re being kept from seeing their wives, children, friends, and even their lawyers…and being abused by jail guards…but because they were set up!

That’s right, they were SET UP!

Conservative news site Gateway Pundit just broke an exclusive story that will make your blood boil. Here’s the headline:

“BREAKING: Internal Memo Reveals Capitol Police Were Warned BLM from Baltimore Was Bussing in Rioters Disguised as Trump Supporters on Jan. 6”

And here’s more, from investigative reporter Paul Sperry:

“BLM/Antifa will wear MAGA hats, wear camo, and attempt to blend in with MAGA crowd” so violence will be blamed on Trump supporters attending the Trump rally.

Patriot, you and I know exactly who BLM and Antifa are. They’re leftist terrorists who leave a wake of destruction wherever they go.

The Capitol Police knew they were serious trouble…and knew these violent leftist agitators would infiltrate the rally disguised as patriotic supporters of President Donald Trump!

They knew, but you haven’t seen BLM or Antifa members thrown into jail.

Oh no, they arrest, harass, and abuse patriots who believe in America and in our Constitutionally protected rights.

You, I, and our fellow patriots have been betrayed!

This trampling of justice and the rule of law must stop!

And that’s where Freedom Watch comes in.

I’m Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and founder and General Counsel of Freedom Watch.

I’m a former federal prosecutor and trial lawyer who’s FOUGHT, and WON, for the American people over 3 decades.

You’ve seen me on CNN, Fox News, and other cable news outlets.

I’m proud to say I am the first lawyer to EVER obtain a court ruling that an American president committed a crime when I won my case against Bill Clinton.

I worked closely with Congressman Bob Barr and other impeachment managers to IMPEACH criminal Bill Clinton.

And I SUCCESSFULLY represented the victims of other Clinton scandals, like Filegate, Travelgate, IRS Gate, Chinagate, and many others.

I know what it takes to take on federal agencies, politicians, even presidents – AND WIN!

And now I am taking on Biden’s CORRUPT FBI in a class action lawsuit for their ILLEGAL tactics against my clients who were in our Nation’s capital to peacefully protest on January 6th, 2021, but were treated like terrorists in the aftermath.

Many of my clients were rounded up, had their homes and businesses violated and broken into, and their property such as cell phones and computers seized WITHOUT PROBABLY CAUSE.

They were arrested, prosecuted, denied bail, and some even thrown into solitary confinement while awaiting trial!

Right now, un-American politicians and corrupt members of the Department of Justice are keeping our fellow Americans in jail without due process…they’re often abused and beaten…they’re blocked from seeing their families…and kept from seeing their lawyers!

At least one January 6 protestor has already died.

A patriot grandmother with cancer was just sentenced to federal prison.

And let me tell you, if you and I don’t fight back against the corrupt politicians, bureaucrats, and law enforcement who are abusing our fellow patriots right now…they will come for us next.

Patriot, please give a vital $5, $10, $25, $50, $100 or more IMMEDIATELY to help fully fund my TWO crucial lawsuits and other hard-hitting legal actions to FREE ALL JANUARY 6 PROTESTERS.

I can’t stress how important it is to make the most of these historic lawsuits. Lots of other groups talk, but I fight. The January 6 protesters deserve nothing less.

Patriot, I’m counting on you for at least a special $25, 50 or more now…but every cent helps. Please give what you can.

Thank you!

With Respect and Gratitude,

Larry Klayman
Larry Klayman
Founder of both Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch
Current Chairman and General Counsel of Freedom Watch, Inc.
