Our droughts, storms, floods, wildfires, and extreme weather events are worse than ever.
Are you tired of hearing people talk about how we “can’t afford” a more sustainable way of life?
I am.
This shortsighted and dishonest rhetoric from climate change deniers ignores the harsh reality: we are already paying for climate change. We can see the environmental devastation and human toll of climate change in the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters.
Weather and climate-related disasters have surged 500% in the last 50 years, costing more than 2 million human lives worldwide. The death toll would be even worse if not for the fact that we have improved our capacity to save lives through better early warning systems.
Our droughts, storms, floods, wildfires, and extreme weather events are worse than ever.
Those hiding behind the perceived financial barriers of innovation ignore the economic consequences of inaction: $3.64 trillion in losses between 1970 and 2019, with 10 weather and climate disasters that each exceeded $1 billion in losses in 2019 alone. And it’s getting worse.
Sign if you agree: We can’t afford to wait. Americans need a Green New Deal.

Investing in a sustainable future isn’t merely an idealistic “gift to the planet.” It makes human sense and economic sense, too. It’s the only solution that can safeguard our future.
Sign the petition: Tell Congress to pass a Green New Deal.