
We are excited to announce the Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation 2022 Online Global Summit! The 2022 #CESESummit theme is A Time for Action

WHEN: We'll see you on November 8-10! (Please note updated dates.)

WHERE: Online! (While we will miss seeing you in person, we look forward to providing an exceptional virtual event.)

WHO: 15,000+ advocates for human dignity will gather from over 100 nations to connect, learn, strategize, and take action! There will be more than 50 speakers!

WHAT TO EXPECT: Invite friends, family and colleagues to this conversation against sexual exploitation! There will be presentations, lots of networking, personal connections, joint actions, and soul-uplifting activities! Most important: you will leave realizing you not alone in wanting a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation!

Be sure to RSVP today, we're excited to see you there!

Dawn Hawkins

CEO, National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Have Questions?
202.393.7345 | [email protected]

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