You know as well as we do the importance of having fierce champions and advocates in Congress. And Rep. Angie Craig is the effective leader Minnesotans need.



You know as well as we do the importance of having fierce champions and advocates in Congress. And Rep. Angie Craig is the effective leader Minnesotans need.

But she’s once again facing a tough reelection - one of the most competitive House races in the country - and she needs our help.

Join Women Winning and Sarah Stoesz, President of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, NEXT Tuesday, August 30th in support of Rep. Angie Craig’s reelection campaign. We’ll hear directly from Rep. Craig, the work she’s been doing in Congress, and what she needs to win in November.

RSVP here to join us!


Women Winning for Rep. Angie Craig!
Featuring Special Guest Sarah Stoesz, President of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund
Tuesday, August 30th from 6:00-7:30 PM

Contribution Levels
Champion $2,900 | Friend $1,000 | Ally: $500 | Supporter: $250

Host Committee
Ellen Archibald | Cynthia Bauerly | Laura Bishop | Kathleen Bryant | Colleen Carey & Pamela Endean | Jackie Craig | Barbara Davis | Emma Faris | Maggie Gilbert | Kathy Heltzer | Jean Housh | Karen Hudson | Tammy Lee | Ashleigh Leitch | Leni Moore | Rep. Kelly Morrison | Catherine Shreves | Patricia Strandness | Sheila Riggs | Oron Stenesh

*Host committee in formation*


We hope to see you next Tuesday to support Rep. Craig in her critical election!


Brittany Wallman
Director of Advancement


Contributions to Angie Craig for Congress are not tax deductible.

Women Winning is a Minnesota non-profit corporation that is recognized as a tax-exempt 501(c)(4) organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes.
Women Winning
2233 University Avenue West
Suite 310
Saint Paul, MN 55114
United States