12 Days of Tom 2020 Logo
Friend: Tom grew up in a household that lived by the rule: “Actions speak louder than words.” This belief that you must show up for the important things spurred Tom to leave the business world and turn to grassroots organizing. Here’s a snapshot of how Tom spent the last 10 years leading people-powered change:
✅Halted a ballot measure in 2010 that sought to undo California’s landmark greenhouse gas reduction law
✅Closed a corporate tax loophole, generating more than $1 billion for California schools and nearly 20,000 new jobs 
✅Organized with local activists to stop the construction of a gas-burning power plant 
✅Led a coalition of Californians to pass a ballot measure to raise cigarette taxes
✅Founded NextGen America that has registered more than 1.5 million voters, with a focus on the youth vote, and helped flip the House in 2018
✅Founded Need to Impeach to hold Donald Trump accountable (now with 8.4 million members and counting!) 
This is why we say that Tom’s the kind of guy who puts his money where his mouth is. He knows that when united for a cause, the American people can do anything. Check out the full stories here.
Taking action,
Tom 2020
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Tom Steyer 2020 · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA