Hello John,
It's Primary Day, which means today is your last chance to vote.
You have a choice today. Be sure to choose wisely.
Yesterday the Appellate Court overturned the lower court's decision to remove Rebekah Jones from the ballot. However, they did not overturn the finding that Ms. Jones lied on her candidate oath, which is a class 3 felony.
As advised by the Appellate Court, the case has been referred to the Prosecutor's office. Given that Jones's conditions of bail--on two separate charges--preclude her from committing another crime, she is violating the terms of her bail, which will have repercussions and could land her back in jail.
Don’t waste your vote on Jones.
I am a qualified, experienced candidate who has ZERO legal or criminal challenges to distract me from the needs of the First Congressional District.
We need a candidate to run against Gaetz in the general election.
I promise you that I will be here to fight for you through November and beyond as your Congresswoman.
Can I count on your vote at the polls today? I would be honored to represent you.
P.S. Polls are open today from 7:00 AM - 7:00 PM! Please vote and take a friend or two with you.