We’ve got a plan to tackle the climate crisis. Join our next Open Call to find out how you can help.
Open Call - green graphic

Dear John,

This month devastating droughts were followed by flash floods, while the likes of BP and Shell recorded record profits forcing people to choose between heating and eating. 


We cannot afford to keep making the crisis right in front of us worse. It’s clearer than ever that we need to get off fossil fuels and we need to do it in a way that is fair for everyone. 


Will you join an Open Call on Zoom and help us build the emergency response to the crisis the world now needs?


The next Open Call is on Sunday 28 August at 8pm.


Do you have a spare hour to join the call?

There will also be an option to stay on Zoom from 9-9:30pm for breakout rooms on ways you can help in September. 


Prefer not to join on Zoom?
Watch live (or anytime afterwards) on YouTube here


Love & Rage, 

Extinction Rebellion UK


More Info on the September Rebellion
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