Hi John,

Today is the halfway point for our monthly goal, and with the busy holiday season upon us, we are falling a bit short.

Can you help power the only true grassroots effort Arizona's 6th has ever seen? Together, we can build upon 2018's progress here and help flip this critical swing state.

Our donations this quarter have averaged $32.09, we have 627 active volunteers and we've already reached thousands of voters, at the doors and on the phones, since kicking off this campaign cycle.

Next up, a prominent campaign office.

Last year, our office became the hub of change in this district, a district that pundits said was impossible to flip. Thanks to the movement we created together, Arizona's 6th is now targeted as Red-to-Blue.

If even 50 people reading this email respond with a donation of $5, $10 or more, we'll be ready for 2020.

With your help, we'll be able to hire more organizers, engage more voters and open our doors to better organize our powerhouse volunteers. We'll be ready to finally replace Rep. David Schweikert.

Will you be one of the 50? Please chip in today to help us keep up the fight. Every dollar makes a big difference.

Thank you for the continued support,
Team Anita