Stars & Stripes Forever PAC | Your grassroots SuperPAC
A message from...
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman of Stars and Stripes Forever PAC
Formerly the 2016 Committee and National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee

Will You Be a Campaign Patriot?


Thanks to the committed support of patriots like you, our Faces of America spokespeople have been on the air in Alabama, California, Maine, New Mexico, and Pennsylvania since August.

As the nation is distracted by the ongoing impeachment WITCH HUNT, we're laser-focused on helping Donald Trump win reelection... and we have the winning strategy.

But in order to succeed, we MUST stay ON THE AIR in the five key states listed above...

...and raise the funds we need to launch new ad campaigns in crucial states including:

Michigan one supporting John James for Senate and another opposing radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib

Minnesota to defeat America-hating Ilhan Omar

New York to rabid socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC)

And if funds permit, we'll launch a hard-hitting billboard campaign against Mad Max in California. We're selecting locations and getting bids as I type.

Here's a draft of the billboard:

Will You Help Us Run This Billboard Against Mad Maxine Waters?

John, it's imperative that we stay ON THE AIR to ensure minority voters continue to hear the truth about the RACIST LIES that Democrats have been spoon-feeding them about Republicans for decades.

We've proven that our "Nadler Method" outreach program to Blacks, Asians, Latinos/Hispanics and Women is NOT a "waste of time" as the talking heads and overpaid political consultants have been claiming for years.

Right now, President Trump is gaining significant ground among minority voters with recent polls showing his approval ratings at 35% with Black voters, 38% with Hispanics, and 28% with Asians.

Even CNN Had to Admit that Trump is Polling Well With Black Voters

But in order to turn these approval ratings into real votes, we MUST stay ON THE AIR and expand into the states where President Trump needs the most help (and can win) and defeat some of the most radical, socialist political incumbents.

We have paid for our radio time through December are now working to raise $43,800 to keep Zo, Kimberlin, Greg, Dat and myself on the air and expand into our next targeted states.

WE MUST FIGHT together on behalf of President Trump's re-election and reverse the Left's march toward Socialism.

The battle for America continues, and with you by our side, we will prevail.

Please decide to become a CAMPAIGN PATRIOT today by chipping-in a little each month to our advertising campaign.

A gift of even $20.20 per month would be a huge help in budgeting as we move forward. Even CNN Had to Admit that Trump is Polling Well With Black Voters

We've come so far in four years, having another four is imperative.

There's a lot of work to do, but together, we can dispel the Liberals' Lies and continue to Make America Great Again.

I trust you will do what you can.

John Philip Sousa IV Urgently,
John Philip Sousa IV
John Philip Sousa IV
National Chairman, Stars & Stripes Forever PAC

P.S. John, it's an honor to fight alongside you, on behalf of our great Country, to reverse the Left's march toward Socialism.

Your support keeps us going!

I'll be sending you more information and updating you regularly on our progress...

...but for now I want to thank you for your generous support and extend my Christmas wishes and New Year blessings to you and your loved ones.

You're receiving this email because you are committed to protecting America from rabid liberals hell-bent on destroying conservative values.
If you are giving up on this critical fight, please UNSUBSCRIBE below.

Stars & Stripes Forever PAC, PO Box 1351, 22116, Merrifield, United States
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