From NewDem Action Fund <[email protected]>
Subject Defeat anti-choice extremists
Date August 22, 2022 10:28 PM
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NewDem Cindy Axne’s opponent wants to ban all abortion – NO exceptions.

NewDem Angie Craig’s opponent wants to ban all abortion – NO exceptions.

NewDem Elissa Slotkin’s opponent wants to ban all abortion – NO exceptions.

And the list goes on and on, team. NewDems are being challenged by Republican extremists who are ready to pass a national abortion ban if they take back the House. We cannot let them win.

Please, donate $10 or more immediately to help us defend NewDems like Cindy Axne, Angie Craig, and Elissa Slotkin and DEFEAT their anti-abortion opponents in November. [[link removed]]

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Abortion is now banned in at least 10 states following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade . Republicans have been clear that passing a national abortion ban is their next step if they take back the House.

Democrats are ready to hold the line on our most fundamental freedoms in Congress – but with an increasing number of vulnerable incumbents facing extreme anti-choice challengers, we need to make sure they have the resources they need to win in November. Please donate $10 or more immediately to help us support NewDems fighting to defend our pro-choice Majority. [[link removed]]

Thank you,

NewDem Action Fund
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