The Trump Administration still hasn't followed through on its promise to protect kids. Tell them: no flavored e-cigs!




Today marks three months since the Trump Administration announced its plan to clear the market of all flavored e-cigarettes – and they still haven't acted.

What's more, many media outlets are reporting that the Administration may be backing away from its promise – possibly exempting menthol, exempting vape shops, or even doing nothing at all.

Meanwhile, 5,000 kids in the U.S. start using e-cigarettes every day; 440,000 kids have started while the Administration has been dragging its feet. The vast majority of these kids say flavors are the reason they use e-cigarettes.

This can't be allowed to continue. 

We're joining with our partners to flood the White House with phone calls today.

And we need your help.

Call the White House today and demand that the Trump Administration remove all flavored e-cigarettes from the market immediately!

White House switchboard:

These calls are tracked and reported to the president's top advisers. If enough of us make noise today, we really could affect the outcome.

Click this link after you call so that we can keep track of how many people are taking action.

Thanks for all you do,

Bryan Buchanan
Director of Digital Engagement


Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids
1400 I St NW, Ste 1200
Washington, District of Columbia xxxxxx
202-296-5469 | [email protected]
