From Frederic L. Bloch - ADL Chief Growth Officer <[email protected]>
Subject [Video] Highlights from CNN’s primetime antisemitism special
Date August 22, 2022 9:09 PM
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John, as a member of the ADL community, you already know how dangerous antisemitism in America is. And you also know how indispensable ADL&rsquo;s role is in the Good Fight against antisemitism and extremism.

But for many of our friends and co-workers, last night&rsquo;s CNN primetime special report &ldquo;Rising Hate: Antisemitism in America&rdquo; was an important and eye-opening program.

We were proud to play a central role in the special report, with ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL Center on Extremism VP Oren Segal and ADL Center for Technology and Society Associate Director Daniel Kelley walking this national audience through the vital work we do, sharing a rare look at our new Investigative Research Lab and explaining the insidious ways that antisemitism is swelling on both the right and the left-wing fringes of society and creeping into the mainstream.

Our experts joined with Holocaust survivors, victims of antisemitism and government and law enforcement leaders who all testified to the need for action in the face of this new resurgence of this ancient hatred.

Here are two short segments from the hour-long special that you won&rsquo;t want to miss; please share them with anyone who might welcome an update on the fight against hate.

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We will forge ahead every day in Fighting Hate for Good and disrupting antisemitism. If you&rsquo;d like to support our work today,
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please click here to make a donation. We are so grateful for all you do to fight hate with ADL.

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Thank you,

Frederic L. Bloch
Chief Growth Officer

P.S. If you&rsquo;d like to watch the recording of the special, you can do so on
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CNNgo, which is CNN’s on-demand platform. It&rsquo;s free to view, but you will need to provide your cable-provider login information to access CNNgo.

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