Dear John,
Can I share a powerful story with you? It highlights something that I’d like to remind you of today…
When “Mandy” found out she was pregnant, she couldn’t imagine starting all over again with another child.
She already had one child getting ready to start college and another in middle school. How can I go back to having a newborn? Mandy thought. What’s more, the company she worked for was about to lay off employees. Her mind was spinning.
She considered telling her fiancé about the pregnancy but decided she couldn’t… at least not yet.
The challenges were growing in her life. And Mandy felt afraid.
Feeling like she had no other choice, she searched online and found the number of a Human Coalition Women’s Care Clinic. When she called, she was met with a compassionate contact center agent who listened to her story and scheduled an appointment.
When Mandy walked into the clinic, she was still set on getting an abortion. Over the course of the appointment, she talked with the nurse and sonographer about her situation. They patiently listened to her and encouraged her. They also shared all the resources available through the Continuum of Care program – including material assistance, financial assistance, and even employment resources.
Before leaving, she decided that she was going to tell her fiancé everything. Mandy also scheduled a follow-up appointment for another ultrasound a few weeks later.
By the time she returned to the clinic for her second appointment, she was excited to share that she and her fiancé had chosen life!
Despite the challenges they faced, they were confident that with help, they could overcome them and thrive.
Mandy began to work with a social worker through the Continuum of Care program and was provided support throughout her pregnancy. A local women’s Bible study even threw her a baby shower. Through their generosity, she received everything she needed before her baby arrived.
Months later, she and her fiancé were thrilled to meet their baby boy, “Adam.” And they are so blessed by having him in their lives!
I had to share this story because it’s your support that makes stories like Mandy’s possible.

A generous group of supporters has pledged to provide a Matching Grant of $125,000. That means every dollar given by September 16 up to $125,000 will be DOUBLED and will make TWICE the lifesaving impact. Will you take advantage of this special opportunity and give $, $, or $ to reach TWICE as many moms with help and hope?
In a few short years, Adam will start school. Mandy will take his picture on his first day and walk him to his classroom. They will get to enjoy these special moments together – thanks to pro-life champions like you.
John, please don’t wait – Will you give today and make TWICE the lifesaving impact on families like Mandy’s?
For Children and Families,
Chelsey Youman
National Director of Public Policy