Good afternoon and welcome to our Week-End
This was a very important and busy week in both Pennsylvania
and Washington. I can’t begin our weekly update without addressing how
great it was to welcome President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike
Pence to Hershey on Tuesday. This event was just a few miles away from
the District and many from the 9th were in attendance. I was able to
address the crowd and I can tell you that Pennsylvania is ready to
re-elect President Trump. Click
here or on the picture below to watch my remarks.

Below, Shelley and I are pictured with State Senator Kristin
Phillips-Hill, radio host RJ Harris and Dave Bray USA.

Are you tired of winning yet? Yep. me
neither. Under President Trump’s leadership, our country is winning…
taxes are lower, the economy is thriving, unemployment is at record
lows, our border is more secure and our country is safer. We can’t
afford to stop now. We must re-elect President Trump and Keep America
As I am sure you are aware, it is more critical than ever, we
ensure Republicans win back control of the U.S. House of
Representatives. As we watch Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff and
Jerry Nadler continue this sham impeachment charade, it is clear that
we need a change in leadership in the U.S. House. Nancy Pelosi has
wanted to impeach President Trump since before he even
took office.
As I have stated all along, this process has not been fair. Sixteen
out of the twenty-four Democrat members of the House Judiciary
Committee, the Committee that this week drafted articles of
impeachment, voted to bring up the President’s impeachment in mid-July
before any calls with Ukraine took place. Further, Jerry Nadler has
supported impeachment since the day he became Judiciary Committee
Chairman. This should be an outrage. We are witnessing a
politics-driven attempt to impeach a duly-elected President, which is
a complete abuse of what congressional impeachment powers were meant
to be.
This week, the long-awaited inspector general's report was released
regarding the FBI's spying on the Trump Campaign during the 2016
election. Everyone needs to see Attorney General William Barr’s
straightforward description of the recent inspector general’s report
and the forthcoming Durham report. The news uncovered in the inspector
general’s report is unsettling, but the problem needs to be exposed
before we can get solutions. Watch
the interview by clicking here or on the image

This week, I spoke on the floor about my support for H.R. 19,
the Lower Costs, More Cures Act. This legislation would lower
out-of-pocket spending, spur competition and innovation and empower
patients to make informed choices regarding their medications. This is
the first step in helping to lower healthcare costs, insurance
premiums, including prescription drug costs.
Meanwhile, Democrats instead chose to support legislation
that takes over our healthcare system. This bill is another top-down
big-government approach to our healthcare system. H.R. 3 is an
indirect way of taking over our healthcare system. It is a
tremendous overreach.
In major
news, we passed the National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA). This agreement provides the biggest pay raise in a
decade for our troops, strengthens our military, and establishes a
Space Force to better defend against 21st-century threats. This a big
win for the President of the United States, Republicans, Americans and
our military. This legislation provides additional funding for border
security without restrictions, missile defense, Space Force and most
importantly increases wages for members of our military. With
record-low unemployment and a competitive job climate, raising wages
for our military is critical and these brave young men and women
deserve as they fight to protect our country.
On Friday, I took part in an event to honor and thank U.S.
Army veteran Sergeant Francis O’Donnell, and to reissue medals earned
during the Korean War. Click
here to watch a report on the event from WNEP.

Yesterday, I joined many other volunteers and officials as we
placed Christmas wreaths on the graves of our brave veterans at Fort
Indiantown Gap. I want to thank everyone for coming out to support
this important event. We can never forget those brave men and women
for their service. I am pictured below with State Senators Mike Regan
and John DiSanto.

MEDIA: Perhaps lost in the Democrat's
sham impeachment proceedings, was Speaker Pelosi's politically
motivated decision to finally call a vote on the United
States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA). As President Trump said, if
there is a silver lining to the Democrat's ridiculous impeachment
efforts, it is that Speaker Pelosi is finally bringing this important
legislation to a vote.
President Donald Trump and Congressional
Republicans have prioritized implementing better trade deals for
American workers. In addition to new agreements with Japan, South
Korea, and the European Union, the President and many Congressional
Republicans understood that NAFTA was in major need of reform.
More than a year ago, President Trump delivered on
a signature campaign promise when he signed a modern, rebalanced trade
deal with Canada and Mexico. After a year’s worth of putting politics
over the people, House Democrats have finally acquiesced to the will
of the American people and agreed to vote on the new
For years, NAFTA rules have helped
incentivize offshoring, which led to manufacturing jobs leaving the
United States in bulk. As a result, politicians from both parties have
called to reform our trade terms with Mexico and Canada ever since the
deal first passed in the mid-1990s.
Nothing happened
until President Trump got Mexico and Canada to the
negotiation table and got them to sign a new deal. Here are just a few
ways it updates and improves NAFTA:
Auto and manufacturing: With new
rules of origin, 75 percent of auto content must be produced in North
America, stimulating U.S. vehicle and parts production.
Labor protections: Unlike NAFTA,
labor rules are enforceable, not voluntary. Workers will benefit from
provisions that incentivize the use of high-wage manufacturing
labor—supporting better jobs
for American workers.
Digital trade: USMCA includes the
strongest terms on digital trade—a booming and growing sector of the
U.S. economy—of any trade deal. NAFTA had none.
Farmers and ranchers: In just one
example, USMCA protects our farmers by eliminating a loophole that
allowed Canada to undersell American dairy products.
By passing the USMCA, American workers win. Pennsylvania
workers win. Trade
with Canada and Mexico supports more than 470K jobs in Pennsylvania
alone, and more than 42K jobs in Pennsylvania depend on manufacturing
exports to these countries.
Democrat leaders’ attempted to put politics over the people,
desperately attempting to avoid giving President Trump a signature win
on one of his core issues. But USMCA highlighted the divide between
far-left Washington partisans and practical, results-minded local
officials who supported the deal. In the end, a growing chorus of
diverse voices—everyone from labor leaders to small business
owners—finally forced Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s
USMCA is a huge win and another promise
While we are awaiting all the final details, we want to
congratulate President Trump for negotiating a great new trade deal
with China. This President has accomplished so much in such a short
period of time.
Lastly, Shelley and I attended the White House Christmas Party
where we saw a number of great Americans, including U.S. Justice Brett
Kavanaugh, House Republican Whip Steve Scalise and his wife Jennifer,
former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Presidential Advisor
Kellyanne Conway. There is also a picture of Shelley advising the
President on how he will win Pennsylvania in 2020. We also go to see
the Christmas tree, from Schuylkill County, adorning the Blue Room of
the White House. The two main trees at the White House are both from
our District. It is phenomenal.

Thank you and we will see you soon,