I wanted to drop you a quick message from here at Team Makki HQ.
We are in the last hours of our primary campaign, so we are putting it all out there to guarantee our victory this week.
This means that we are also at the most expensive phase of our primary campaign. We have to buy snacks for volunteers, gas for our campaign cars, pens, paper, and you name it.
Our Emergency Pre-Primary Defense Fund is starting to run low. John, can you step up today and make a contribution before it's too late?
I am the only Pro-DeSantis, Pro-2A, and Pro-term limits Community Conservative in this race. It would be a shame if we lost our momentum because we ran out of resources.
Thanks for being part of Team Makki!
- Amanda
 | Amanda Makki is an America First candidate for Congress in Florida's 13th District. A legal immigrant, attorney, and conservative national commentator, Amanda is a strong conservative with a proven record of fighting for the values and principles that made America the greatest country in the world! To support Amanda's campaign chip in $5 or more today! |