President Biden’s nominees to fill the USPS Board of Governors vacancies must protect our public Postal Service from Louis DeJoy!
Congress delivered a big victory to the USPS when it passed the Postal Service Reform Act earlier this year. This bill put the USPS on sound financial footing going forward, but that hasn’t stopped Trump’s hand-picked Postmaster General from pursuing his plan to dismantle our Post Office. This is a war on the mail―and it’s also a war on seniors who rely on the mail more than any other age group.
The USPS Board of governors should be reining in DeJoy―but it’s still chock full of Trump appointees. But this December, President Biden will have the chance to replace 2 DeJoy loyalists with pro-postal nominees. Prices are up, and service is slowing down. DeJoy remains entangled in financial conflicts of interest. The USPS board cannot continue to rubber-stamp the destruction of this precious American institution.
Sign Now: Make sure President Biden’s USPS Board nominees are dedicated to protecting our public Postal Service!
It’s critical that every member of USPS leadership remain committed to our Postal Service. Our coalition is demanding that President Biden’s nominees:
Reverse the postal slowdown that was formalized this year
Commit to prioritizing election mail, including ballots, registration forms, and absentee requests
Expand postal banking to provide more banking services to more unbanked or underbanked communities
Seek to expand existing postal infrastructure into a community hub for services, rather than shutting down or privatizing aspects of it
Maintain the USPS as a source of good, living wage jobs for our communities
Provide real oversight to Postmaster General DeJoy’s financial conflicts of interest
ADD YOUR NAME: Protect the USPS!
Michael Phelan Social Security Works