Dear John,
With the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, job opportunities will increase as our country transitions to more sustainable energy sources. As these programs roll out, we need to prioritize good-paying green jobs for low-income communities and communities of color. Since climate change disproportionately impacts these populations, they need to be at the forefront of the clean energy revolution so that equitable climate solutions benefit their communities.
That’s why the Green For All Team at Dream.Org has partnered with and Google Nest to offer the Clean Energy Scholarship, which will help diversify the workforce by removing financial barriers for those interested in building a green career. We’re happy to announce that 35 Black and Brown recipients have already been awarded $3,500 to begin or advance their careers in the clean energy sector!
Our scholarship recipients range from environmental students, climate justice leaders, contractors seeking technical certifications, and job seekers interested in transitioning into a clean energy career.
We're now accepting applications for the final round of the Green For All Clean Energy Scholarship! Apply today!
Are you interested in being our next scholarship recipient? We’ve opened the third and final round to select our last 15 candidates.
Who’s Eligible: Anyone over the age of 18 interested in beginning or furthering a career in the clean energy sector. While all are encouraged to apply, priority will be given to underrepresented individuals, particularly members of Black, Latinx, Native American, and Native Alaskan communities.
Scholarship Use: This is not exclusively a school scholarship! Funds can be used to enroll in a training or educational course, attend a conference, pay union dues, pay coursework fees, obtain technical certifications, or pursue professional apprenticeships.
Scholarship Form: The application is separated into two parts. In part one, applicants must provide contact details, demographics, and background information. In part two, applicants are required to submit a response to a prompt. The entire application should take about 10 minutes to complete.
Click Here To
Learn More And Apply
If you—or someone you know—are interested in a career in the clean energy sector or seeking to upskill, apply for the Green For All Clean Energy Scholarship by August 31st. Don’t delay and apply today!
—Green For All Team, Dream.Org
P.S. Read Google’s blog post to meet the first 15 recipients of the scholarship and learn how the award will further their Green Dream.