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This is astounding!
You guys, we exploded True Texas Project across the state just last year. Fran and I about went crazy with the work load and travel, but we knew it was the right thing to do. Then this summer we about went crazy again offering training classes around the state to get all the new people up to speed on how to be an effective activist. (Don't worry... the new launches and the trainings will continue!) But what is astounding is just how solid this army of patriots has become in such a short time!
Our newest launch in Johnson County... and this weekend we had over 80 at our activist training!
Let me tell you what I mean...
As you surely know by now, last November Texas voted a new tax onto themselves. It was absurd! Who would do that? It's even more absurd when you realize we'd already voted it down the first time. So what was the difference? The first time the ballot showed us that it was a tax increase. The second time that wording was deliberately left out. Our friends at TURF invited us & GAWTP to join them in a request to the Sec of State asking for the wording to be corrected before the election, or we would sue. The SOS refused to fix it, and so we sued. You can see both ballots at this link.
Recently we put out a call to you to let Atty Gen Paxton know we were disappointed with his handling of the case. During the Primary he gave reason to believe he was with us, but now that he has secured the nomination he is back pedaling.
Y'all responded well, and Paxton didn't like it. He released a list of 4 reasons he was right and we are wrong. Funny... is it all of us that are wrong (3 powerful grassroots group and attorneys)... or is it Paxton? Hmmm... We put some thought to that and sent our rebuttal to Paxton's list.
Again, y'all responded well. So Paxton's team started sending out a canned response. Basically he is saying we should contact our legislators, not him, because he is only doing his job, and to not support the SOS would require a change in law. Not so fast. That was already addressed in the 4 points we'd rebutted previously. He's counting on you to not understand and to give up.
So why am I astounded? Because I've been deluged with responses from y'all. You get it! You are contacting Paxton, you are asking the right questions when he blows you off, and you are sending encouraging messages to TTP to never stop fighting. Do you see the significance of this?In one year, we've built and trained an army across the state of Texas, and when called upon, that army engaged appropriately! You rock!!! And we're not stopping any of these things any time soon!
Now, there have been 3 emails and a small handful of social media posts directed to me from folks worried about us pressuring Paxton during election season. Gasp! What if he loses??? I've already addressed that as well, but I will do so again. ELECTION SEASON IS THE BEST TIME TO PRESSURE POLITICIANS! This is when they need us. Nobody is saying to vote for the Democrat. Don't be ridiculous. I even said that I consider Paxton a friend, and of course I am voting for him. All we are asking Paxton to do is what we elected him to do... uphold the Constitution. Good grief. Is it really that hard??? Is he such a pansy that he can't handle being instructed by his bosses? No, he's not. Think of Paxton as your employee (because he is). Are you intimidated by your employee??? Is there ever a time you give your employee a pass for doing the opposite of what you hired him to do? Of course not. He'll only get worse. You instruct politicians the same way you instruct employees, children, students, etc. You set expectations and insist they are followed -- and you do so in an immediate and consistent way. It ain't rocket science. They are strong enough to take it, and we are all better off for it.
Now, that being said it's worth pointing out that at our Texas Tough gala, Paxton donated $10,000 to True Texas Project. It was extremely generous, and we were extremely grateful. He has brought this up now that there is an issue between us. Let me just go public with saying,
I don't think Paxton honestly would ever want us to be. Yes, we appreciate Paxton's financial support of our efforts to hold government accountable. Yes, I understand that it's no fun when it's your turn. But no, donations do not affect that accountability.
As you know, fighting against the establishment always has blowback, and no, I doubt Paxton will donate again. If we the people want to organize, we the people have to fund it. Will you chip in $5 or $10 today so we can continue to build and train our army? Please click here to share your support. And remember, making it a monthly donation is an immense help in our budgeting.
As usual, Fran and I and the team of volunteers here at True Texas Project will continue to fight as long as you are with us. Thank you for being involved!
Julie McCarty, CEO