Weekly Round Up
Quincy in the News

August 21, 2022

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Strategic Patience: Sustainable Engagement with a Changed Afghanistan
By Adam Weinstein, Research Fellow
Quincy Institute, 8/15/22

The United States and broader international community must develop an Afghanistan policy that is sustainable in the face of Taliban intransigence and ready to capitalize on fleeting moments of Taliban pragmatism.



Biden Administration Needs to Match Rhetoric with Action on Africa Policy
By Non-Resident Fellows Samar al-Bulushi & Lina Benabdallah
Tribune News Service, 8/19/22

America's ability to forge strong and positive ties with African nations requires respect for Africans and their embrace of multilateralism and nonalignment.


After the Rushdie Attack, Can the Iran Nuclear Deal Be Saved? 
Featuring Trita Parsi, Executive Vice President 
The New York Times, 8/17/22

To avoid a military confrontation with Iran, Biden should do everything in his power to revive the deal.


Why Are We Sleepwalking Away From the One China Policy? 
By Eli Clifton, Senior Advisor
Newsweek, 8/21/22

Washington and Beijing should reaffirm the Shanghai Communique and the One China policy and find new ways to deepen engagement on a host of shared security, economic and environmental concerns.


On Russian Invasion, U.S. Intel Got It Right — But Policymakers Stumbled 
By Director of Grand Strategy George Beebe & Eurasia Program Director Anatol Lieven 
Responsible Statecraft, 8/19/22

Americans deserve real answers about the unwillingness to explore a compromise over NATO expansion.


Senators Press DOJ on Brookings’ FARA compliance 
Interview with Ben Freeman, Research Fellow
Politico, 8/17/22

Foreign influence at think tanks appears to be increasingly under the microscope, and it may not end well for some think tanks.


U.S. Relations with China and Asia Under Biden
Interview with Sarang Shidore, Director of Studies
Asian Peace Programme, 8/15/22  

Unpacking the ramifications of Nancy Pelosi’s Taiwan trip and mapping the trajectory of Washington and Beijing’s increasingly hostile relationship.


The Taliban Don't Want Another 9/11
By Anatol Lieven, Eurasia Program Director
The National Interest, 8/20/22

The bitter memory of 9/11 and its consequences make actual support for terrorism against the West by the Taliban highly unlikely.


New Poll Shows Majority Support in Seattle Area for Speedy Diplomatic Solution in Ukraine
Interview with George Beebe, Grand Strategy Director
The Stranger, 8/15/22

A QI-commissioned poll reveals popular support for vigorous diplomacy to end the war.



Diplomacy Watch: Talks to End the War are Back on the Agenda by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 8/19/22

EU Awaits U.S. Response on Iran Deal by Laura Rozen/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Diplomatic, 8/18/22

By the Numbers: Keeping Track of the Single Largest Arms Transfer in U.S. History by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 8/18/22

Osprey Grounding Highlights Dangers of Space-Age Aircraft by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 8/18/22

U.S. Bombs Somalia for the Third Time This Summer by Senior Director Kelley Beaucar Vlahos, Responsible Statecraft, 8/18/22

Can Think Tanks Be Foreign Agents? by Research Fellow Ben Freeman, Responsible Statecraft, 8/17/22

Biden’s Withdrawal From Afghanistan Accelerated Downward Spiral in Polls by Katherine Doyle/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, The Washington Examiner, 8/16/22

Modi: ‘We Have to Make India a Developed Nation in Our Lifetime’? by Asia Research Intern William Samir Simpson, Responsible Statecraft, 8/16/22

Republicans Push Biden to Deny Raisi’s Visa Request by Elizabeth Hagedorn/ Quoted: Executive Vice President Trita Parsi, Al Monitor, 8/16/22

What Did Our Service Mean?’ Taliban Rout Still Evokes Raw Emotions for U.S. Veterans and Afghan Refugees by J.P. Lawrence/ Quoted: Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Stars and Stripes, 8/15/22

As West Puts Taliban on Hold, Kabul Eyes Future in China, Russia by Giorgio Cafiero/ Quoted: Eurasia Program Director Anatol Lieven, Al Jazeera, 8/15/22

Afghanistan a Year Later: Will ‘Over the Horizon’ Normalize Endless War? by Non-Resident Fellow Mary Dudziak, Responsible Statecraft, 8/15/22

GOP Drops Scathing Review of Afghanistan Withdrawal, White House Reacts by Reporter Connor Echols, Responsible Statecraft, 8/15/22

WEBINAR: Taliban Government in Power - A Year On, Panel featuring Research Fellow Adam Weinstein, Centre for Afghanistan, Middle East, and Africa, 8/15/22

Playing With Fire in Ukraine by Non-Resident Fellow John Mearsheimer, Foreign Affairs, 8/15/22

PODCAST: How Taiwan and Other Foreign Governments Influence American Foreign Policy, Interview with Research Fellow Ben Freeman, The Scott Horton Show, 8/12/22

There’s a Nuclear Catastrophe on the Horizon in Ukraine by Senior Research Fellow William Hartung, Responsible Statecraft, 8/12/22

Is There Any End to the Ukraine War in Sight? by Spencer Bokat-Lindell/ Quoted: Senior Research Fellow Steven Simon, The New York Times, 8/10/22


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